Lynn McAlister UE · @lmgenealogy
44 followers · 164 posts · Server

@mandypg I don't know about specialist knowledge, but I've researched my own Loyalist ancestor, who was an artificer and was for a while stationed at Carleton Island with Leek's Independent Company. Most of the records I've used came from the UK National Archives, but there is a lot of Loyalist stuff in Library and Archives Canada too.

#loyalistancestor #warofindependence #genealogy #carletonisland

Last updated 2 years ago

sciencegal_nz · @mandypg
350 followers · 187 posts · Server

If you have specialist knowledge in or access to sources of information I have not yet tapped, be it in military records around Carleton Island or related to British artificers in the early 1790s, Irish records, Quebec records that might yield new information, I would LOVE to hear from you.

Thanks for reading if you got this far!


#genealogy #familytree #loyalistancestor #quebec #ontario #warofindependence #irishancestry #mclean #earlybritishcanada #carletonisland #genealogicalbrickwall

Last updated 2 years ago

sciencegal_nz · @mandypg
350 followers · 164 posts · Server

I have always been a keen genealogist and had success in tracing the family history of my maternal grandmother, born in USA but from a long line of Québécois – thanks to the meticulous record keeping of the notaries of Quebec and the Quebec Catholic Church.


#genealogy #familytree #loyalistancestor #quebec #ontario #warofindependence #irishancestry #mclean #earlybritishcanada #carletonisland #genealogicalbrickwall

Last updated 2 years ago