Hagelin’s Retirement Reminds Rangers of What They’re Missing
Some nostalgia swept over the New York Rangers fan base Aug. 30, when winger Carl Hagelin announced his retirement after 11 NHL seasons, an eye injury he sustained in practice with the Washington Capitals on March 1, 2022, proving too much to overcome.
It's safe t...
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https://www.lovenhl.com/944716/ Carl Hagelin talks retirement and favorite moments from his career #AnaheimDucks #CarlHagelin #CarlHaglin #EasternConference #hockey #LaKings #LosAngelesKings #MetropolitanDivision #NewYorkRangers #NHL #PittsburghPenguins #StanleyCup #WashingtonCapitals
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Recently Retired Carl Hagelin Deserves Appreciation for His Career
After 11 seasons in the NHL, Carl Hagelin announced his retirement due to a serious eye injury he suffered as a member of the Washington Capitals during the 2021-22 season. The Swedish winger spent his first four seasons in the NHL with the New York Rangers and ...
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https://www.lovenhl.com/940357/ Former Penguins Winger Forced To Retire #CarlHagelin #CrosbyCanada #EasternConference #HockeyOlympics #KyleDubas #LiborHajek #MarkPysyk #MetropolitanDivision #NHL #NHLNews #NickBonino #PatricHornqvist #penguins #PenguinsHighlights #PenguinsNews #PenguinsPodcast #PenguinsPTO #PenguinsReactions #PenguinsReports #PenguinsRumors #PenguinsTalk #PenguinsToGo #PhilKessel #PittsburghPenguins #SidneyCrosby #TeamCanada #TeamUSA #TipOfTheIce-Burgh #TomasTatar #WorldCupOfHockey
#carlhagelin #crosbycanada #easternconference #hockeyolympics #kyledubas #liborhajek #markpysyk #metropolitandivision #nhl #nhlnews #nickbonino #patrichornqvist #penguins #penguinshighlights #penguinsnews #penguinspodcast #penguinspto #penguinsreactions #penguinsreports #penguinsrumors #penguinstalk #penguinstogo #philkessel #pittsburghpenguins #sidneycrosby #teamcanada #teamusa #tipoftheice #tomastatar #worldcupofhockey