Bei Disney+ bietet die Dokuserie „The Secrets of Hillsong“ einen Blick hinter die Kulissen einer skandalträchtigen Mega-Church. In der zweiten Staffel der Apple-Serie „Afterparty“ muss ein Mord auf einer Hochzeit aufgeklärt werden und das Künstlerkollektiv „Rocco und seine Brüder“ verschönert in der ARD-Mediathek unsere Hauptstadt auf ganz eigene Art und Weise.
#CarlLentz #Hillsong #SamRichardson #TiffanyHaddish #WasLäuftHeute
#carllentz #hillsong #samrichardson #tiffanyhaddish #waslauftheute
#carllentz didnt just have an affair. He had numerous affairs. It’s my observation that #christians the biggest adulterers out there. Piety makes forbidden all the more irresistible. Statistically, republican politicians have more failed marriages then democrats.
Ousted #Hillsong pastor #CarlLentz takes #Oklahoma church job at #TransformationChurch
"Soon after Lentz’s ouster, Ranin Karim, a Brooklyn jewelry designer, discussed her relationship with Lentz on “Good Morning America.” A few months later, Lentz’s former nanny, Leona Kimes, came forward with allegations that Lentz had subjected her to “bullying, abuse of power and sexual abuse,” which a legal representative for Lentz denied at the time. A leaked report, commissioned by Hillsong Global to look into the leadership of Hillsong East Coast, painted a picture of a church leadership rife with abuse, sexual misconduct and secrecy.
At Transformation Church, McQuarters said they are praying for Lentz and his family to experience restoration and to, in turn, help others do the same, “by using their triumphs and failures to create resources for the body of Christ at large.”
#hillsong #carllentz #oklahoma #transformationchurch
#CarlLentz, former #Hillsong NYC pastor, joins Transformation Church as ‘strategist’