Live a life worthy of being lived
#warrior #philosophy #MementoMori #Celts #CarloMichelstaedter
#carlomichelstaedter #celts #mementomori #philosophy #warrior
Learn as much as you can. Maintain your health. Love your friends and family. Travel. Read. Be a positive influence on those you meet. This is your journey, make it count. Memento Mori!
"Be happy while you’re living, for you’re a long time dead" --- Scottish Proverb 2/2
#warrior #philosophy #MementoMori #Celts #CarloMichelstaedter
#carlomichelstaedter #celts #mementomori #philosophy #warrior
Live a life worthy of being lived --- Carlo Michelstaedter
As far as we know we only live once. Yes, there are people that promise an afterlife. A place of paradise, a celestial realm of pure good, or a majestic hall of fallen heroes. None of these can unfortunately be proven.
All we can surmise is this life is all we have; 76 years plus or minus of existence. That is it. So, get out there and live. Enjoy the music. 1/2
#warrior #philosophy #MementoMori #Celts #CarloMichelstaedter
#carlomichelstaedter #celts #mementomori #philosophy #warrior