MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1815 followers · 3840 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History August 10, 1923: Italian-American anarchist and IWW organizer Carlo Tresca was arrested in the United States on the charge of publishing anti-fascist literature. Tresca opposed fascism, Stalinism and mafia-infiltration of unions. He was assassinated in 1943. Some believe the Soviets killed him in retaliation for his criticism of Stalin. The most recent research suggests it was the Bonanno crime family, in response to his criticism of the mafia and Mussolini. Tresca wrote two books. His autobiography was published posthumously in 2003. He also wrote a book in Italian, “L'attentato a Mussolini ovvero il segreto di Pulcinella.”


#workingclass #LaborHistory #IWW #carlotresca #mesabi #mining #books #writer #author #stalin #anarchism #soviet #mafia #fascism #antifascism #mussolini #union

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1669 followers · 3464 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History July 16, 1916: Carlo Tresca and other IWW strike leaders were arrested on charges of inciting the murder of a deputy. This was during a strike of 30,000 iron-ore mine workers of the Mesabi range in northern Minnesota. Tresca was an Italian-American IWW organizer and newspaper editor. He opposed fascism, Stalinism and mafia-infiltration of unions. He was assassinated in 1943. Some believe the Soviets killed him in retaliation for his criticism of Stalin. The most recent research suggests it was the Bonanno crime family, in response to his criticism of the mafia and Mussolini.

Tresca wrote two books. His autobiography was published posthumously in 2003. He also wrote a book in Italian, “L'attentato a Mussolini ovvero il segreto di Pulcinella.”


#workingclass #LaborHistory #IWW #carlotresca #mesabi #mining #book #writer #author #stalin #soviet #mafia #fascism #antifascism #mussolini #union

Last updated 1 year ago

Kulturjam.it · @sdvsfr
831 followers · 2102 posts · Server mastodon.uno

L'11 gennaio è stato l'ottantesimo anniversario dell'assassinio da parte di sicari mafioso-fascisti di Carlo Tresca, uno dei più importanti e leggendari leader del movimento operaio internazionale.


Last updated 2 years ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
576 followers · 864 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History January 11, 1943: American mobster, Carmine Galante, assassinated Carlo Tresca in New York City. He was an Italian-American newspaper editor, socialist labor organizer with the IWW, and outspoken critic of the Mafia, Stalinism and fascism. In 1937, he participated in the Dewey Commission, which cleared Trotsky of all charges made during the Moscow Trials.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #carlotresca #IWW #union #mafia #stalinism #socialism #fascism #antifascist #trotsky

Last updated 2 years ago

SkBk71 · @skbk71
26 followers · 212 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Sindacalista, editore, drammaturgo, anarchico e leader del movimento operaio negli , , fervente oppositore del fascismo e membro del comitato di difesa di e , venne assassinato da un sicario della mafia l' 1943 a .Aveva 64 anni.
-ANPI III Municipio Roma -

#usa #carlotresca #sacco #vanzetti #11gennaio #newyork

Last updated 2 years ago