A wealthy donor, believed to be associated with the #FarRight in Germany, has donated an additional £50,000 to the #CarltonClub. This club has then contributed £1.3 million towards the #ConservativeParty.
#Tories #DirtyMoney
#FarRight #carltonclub #conservativeparty #tories #dirtymoney
@beatnikprof A horrible woman who did more than anyone except Rupert Murdoch to undermine social cohesion in the U.K.! The drawing room itself, however, is a rather attractive room, sympathetically decorated. Meals are taken in the Wellington or Churchill Rooms.
#MargaretThatcher #RupertMurdoch #SocialCohesion #CarltonClub
#carltonclub #socialcohesion #rupertmurdoch #margaretthatcher