I’ve always idolized #Carmack and (unwittingly) emulated his work ethic. I love to code and would do it for free.
But reading the downfall section on “Masters of Doom”…he really destroyed anything fun about working at of Software
This country is so 💩
Greatest country in the world my ass. If we're the greatest country that's an indictment on our species.
My heart breaks for the family of #Carmack-Belton
The man who murdered him should face justice. The law makers who let that man have a gun should too.
Carmack The Wise (Predicting that something like Proton would be the best fit for Linux Gaming, back in 2013): https://boilingsteam.com/carmack-the-wise/
#linux #linuxgaming #proton #shim #carmack #prediction
#linux #linuxgaming #proton #shim #carmack #prediction
Los exempleados de #Meta hablan: no había trabajo que hacer, los contrataron para quedarse con el talento de la competencia https://www.genbeta.com/actualidad/exempleados-meta-hablan-no-habia-nada-que-hacer-os-contrataron-para-quedarse-talento-competencia
Es interesante esto teniendo en cuenta los comentarios de John Carmack.
John #Carmack dimite de su puesto en Meta https://www.realovirtual.com/noticias/12229/john-carmack-dimite-su-puesto-meta
Meta ends support for original Quest headset after less than 4 years - Enlarge / RIP to a real one. (credit: Sam Machkovech)
The orig... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1909029 #gaming&culture #virtualreality #carmack #oculus #quest #meta #vr
#vr #meta #quest #oculus #carmack #virtualreality #gaming
Ars Technica: Meta ends support for original Quest headset after less than 4 years https://arstechnica.com/?p=1909029 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #Gaming&Culture #virtualreality #Carmack #oculus #quest #meta #VR
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #Gaming #VirtualReality #carmack #oculus #quest #meta #vr
> Make better decisions and fill your products with "Give a Damn"!
– John #Carmack
#Carmack leaving #VR is a sad day.
#Oculus had so much potential and lots of us said #Facebook would do exactly what it did in the order it did.
We were told it was overreaction and to wait and see.
Well here we are, anyone going to learn anything?
#facebook #oculus #vr #carmack
tech professionals' #frustration seems to be way more common than I would have ever thought of... just realizing that after reading #carmack's resignation letter.
definitely saddening to see someone "on that level" struggling like that but also reassuring to some extent I guess?
John #Carmack verlässt #Quest/#Meta - läuft für Zuk https://daringfireball.net/linked/2022/12/16/carmack-leaving-facebook
John #Carmack resigned from Meta and published his resignation letter https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0iPixEvPJQGzNa6t2x6HUL5TYqfmKGqSgfkBg6QaTyHF5frXQi7eLGxC7uPQv5U5jl&id=100006735798590&__cft__[0]=AZXsDdV3k6gSu83P0a2jJg4FQsWHW-usRsi2ayd7dymrA9C6yBA-uWSUgw7A8Mhza8gpZFkCvbip_sJRxDvUMP273PIS0FOSQQWGmL2Cbv3HVg&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
>and successful products make the world a better place.
Says a person who was working as consultant CTO for a company solely producing products for genocide & destroying democracies. Now that $10 Billion is down the drain :ablobcatwave:
No wonder that he's a friend of Elon.
Gosh, Sometimes I wish I was this detached without being an ultra rich white dude.
#carmack #meta #facebook #elon #nomoa
Carmack leaves Meta. https://daringfireball.net/linked/2022/12/16/carmack-leaving-facebook #carmack @metaverse
Once a VR true believer, a “wearied” John Carmack leaves Meta - Enlarge / Artist's conception of Carmack's VR avatar waving goodbye to ... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1905415 #gaming&culture #virtualreality #carmack #oculus #quest #meta #vr
#vr #meta #quest #oculus #carmack #virtualreality #gaming
#carmack #doom #idsoftware #programming
"John Carmack: Doom, Quake, VR, AGI, Programming, Video Games, and Rockets | Lex Fridman Podcast"
#carmack #doom #idsoftware #programming
#carmack #doom #idsoftware #programming
"John Carmack: Doom, Quake, VR, AGI, Programming, Video Games, and Rockets | Lex Fridman Podcast"
#carmack #doom #idsoftware #programming
Lex Fridman Podcast with John Carmack: https://lexfridman.com/john-carmack/ #gaming #podcast #johncarmack #carmack #idsoftware
#gaming #podcast #johncarmack #carmack #idsoftware