Nua-#CelticSoulJourney in #Ireland: `Despite the enmity between the #TuathaDéDanann and the mighty but destructive sorceress #Carman, a great festival was staged in her honor, called the Óenach Carman, whose site has been variously located on the Curragh in Co. #Kildare and
on the plains of the River Barrow in the same county, suggesting that she was a force to be propitiated. Similar festivals were also staged in honor of the goddesses Tailtiu and Tlachtga. As earth goddesses, they may have represented the dying vegetation that fed humanity, suggesting an ancient connection of such goddesses to the harvest season.`
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
#CelticSoulJourney #ireland #TuathaDeDanann #carman #Kildare #celtic #mythology #folklore
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney in #Ireland: `The #TuathaDéDanann sent a bard against #Carman, but he failed to stop the destructive energy of this sorceress. Then a satirist came, but he too failed. Finally the sorceress Bé Chuille cast a spell sufficient to undo Carman’s. Upon hearing that her sons had been killed, Carman died of grief.`
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
#CelticSoulJourney #ireland #TuathaDeDanann #carman #celtic #mythology #folklore
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney in #Ireland: `The #TuathaDéDanann sent a bard against #Carman, but he failed to stop the destructive energy of this sorceress. Then a satirist came, but he too failed. Finally the sorceress Bé Chuille cast a spell sufficient to undo Carman’s. Upon hearing that her sons had been killed, Carman died of grief.`
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
#CelticSoulJourney #ireland #TuathaDeDanann #carman #celtic #mythology #folklore
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney in #Ireland: `#Carman was said to have been one of the earliest rulers of #Ireland, a mighty but destructive sorceress whose three sons were equally distressing: darkness (Dub), wickedness (Dothur), and violence (Dian). Together they maliciously blighted Ireland’s corn until the people of the goddess #Danu, the #TuathaDéDanann, mustered sufficient magic to drive Carman’s sons from the land.`
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
On the An Slí Charman-Trail, , County Wexford, photocredit 1. Neu-Kelte
#CelticSoulJourney #ireland #carman #danu #TuathaDeDanann #celtic #mythology #folklore
`The #TuathaDéDanann sent a bard against #Carman, but he failed to stop the destructive energy of this sorceress. Then a satirist came, but he too failed. Finally the sorceress Bé Chuille cast a spell sufficient to undo Carman’s. Upon hearing that her sons had been killed, Carman died of grief.`
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
#TuathaDeDanann #carman #celtic #mythology #folklore #FairyTaleTuesday
`#Carman was said to have been one of the earliest rulers of #Ireland, a mighty but destructive sorceress whose three sons were equally distressing: darkness (Dub), wickedness (Dothur), and violence (Dian). Together they maliciously blighted Ireland’s corn until the people of the goddess #Danu, the #TuathaDéDanann, mustered sufficient magic to drive Carman’s sons from the land.
The #TuathaDéDanann sent a bard against #Carman, but he failed to stop the destructive energy of this sorceress. Then a satirist came, but he too failed. Finally the sorceress Bé Chuille cast a spell sufficient to undo Carman’s. Upon hearing that her sons had been killed, Carman died of grief.
Despite the enmity between the #TuathaDéDanann and the mighty but destructive sorceress #Carman, a great festival was staged in her honor, called the Óenach Carman, whose site has been variously located on the Curragh in Co. #Kildare and on the plains of the River Barrow in the same county, suggesting that she was a force to be propitiated.`
RT @McDonaghNikki
Carman is a #Celtic witch goddess of #Blackmagic . With her 3 sons, Dub (darkness) Dain (violence) Dother (evil) They wreaked havoc and venge…
#carman #ireland #danu #TuathaDeDanann #Kildare #celtic #blackmagic
#Celtic #FairyTaleTuesday: `The #TuathaDéDanann sent a bard against #Carman, but he failed to stop the destructive energy of this sorceress. Then a satirist came, but he too failed. Finally the sorceress Bé Chuille cast a spell sufficient to undo
RT @TheMythologyMa1
In #Irish #mythology, #BéChuille/#Becuille/#BéChuma, is the #goddess of #sorcery and one of the #TuathaDéDanann. In a tale from the #Metrical #Dindshenchas, sh…
#celtic #FairyTaleTuesday #TuathaDeDanann #carman #irish #mythology #bechuille #goddess #sorcery #metrical #dindshenchas
#Celtic #FairyTaleTuesday: `#Carman was said to have been one of the earliest rulers of #Ireland, a mighty but destructive sorceress whose three sons were equally distressing: darkness (Dub), wickedness (Dothur), and violence (Dian). Together they maliciously blighted
RT @McDonaghNikki
Carman is a #Celtic witch goddess of #Blackmagic . With her 3 sons, Dub (darkness) Dain (violence) Dother (evil) They wreaked havoc and venge…
#celtic #FairyTaleTuesday #carman #ireland #blackmagic
Now the fire is lighted
On the chimney stone,
Day goes down the valley,
I am left alone.