Nate Franzen · @ntfrnzn
77 followers · 123 posts · Server

I went to on Friday for my first time and managed to see a reasonable fraction of it.

I grew up near to, around, and in the museum of natural history, AMNH's cousin. They're similar in style. AMNH is bigger of course but maybe not better.

#carnegie #amnh

Last updated 1 year ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2859 followers · 4916 posts · Server
Thankful Pond · @thankfulpond
158 followers · 317 posts · Server
The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2844 followers · 4878 posts · Server
MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1815 followers · 3839 posts · Server

Today in Labor History August 10, 1901: The U.S. Steel recognition strike by the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers (AA) began. AA formed in 1876 and was declining significantly in size and power by 1901. Technological advances had caused significant downsizing in the steel industry, with many highly skilled workers being fired and replaced by more easily interchangeable, and more poorly trained, workers to operate the newer machines. In 1892, AA had lost the infamous Homestead strike, against Andrew Carnegie and Henry Clay Frick, in which 12 people were killed. By 1901, nearly all the major metal fabricators had joined the new U.S. Steel trust, including J.P. Morgan and Andrew Carnegie. AA saw the writing on the wall and made a last-ditch, desperate attempt to organize all the steel and tin workers before the limitless resources of the new trust could crush them. And they failed, rather quickly and spectacularly, when the strike ended on September 14, 1901.

In the aftermath of the strike, many of the socialist and anarchist union leaders, and rank and file workers, blamed Samuel Gompers (of the newish American Federation of Labor) and Johnny Mitchell (of the United Mine Workers) of being too cozy with the corporate bosses and politicians, and of selling them out. This led to increasing conflict in the following years between the more radical elements of the labor movement and the more mainstream tendencies. It slowed down the growth of the conservative AFofL and, ultimately, to Mitchellā€™s removal as head of the UMW, in 1908. The AA, however, grew increasingly conservative, and weaker, and by 1909 ceased to be a relevant force in the labor movement.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #union #strike #steel #socialism #carnegie #jpmorgan #umw #afl #samuelgompers #anarchism #workermassacre

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1711 followers · 3602 posts · Server

Today in Labor History July 22, 1892: Anarchist Alexander Berkman tried to assassinate industrialist Henry Clay Frick in retaliation for the 9 miners killed by Pinkerton thugs on July 6, during the Homestead Steel Strike. Frick was the manager of Homestead Steel and had hired the Pinkertons to protect the factory and the scab workers he hired to replace those who were on strike. Berkman, and his lover, Emma Goldman, planned the assassination hoping it would arouse the working class to rise up and overthrow capitalism. Berkman failed in the assassination attempt and went to prison for 14 years. He wrote a book about his experience called, ā€œPrison Memoirs of an Anarchistā€ (1912). He also wrote ā€œThe Bolshevik Mythā€ (1925) and ā€œThe ABC of Communist Anarchismā€ (1929).


#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #communism #alexanderberkman #prison #assassination #strike #steel #carnegie #massacre #EmmaGoldman #Pinkertons #books #writing #author

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1519 followers · 3239 posts · Server

Today in Labor History July 6, 1892: Locked out workers out at the Homestead Steel Works battled 300 Pinkerton detectives hired by Carnegie, who owned the Homestead mill. The Pinkertons were there to import and protect scabs brought in to replace striking workers. They opened fire on the striking steelworkers who defended themselves with guns and a homemade cannon. 3-7 Pinkertons and 11 union members were killed in the battle. The strike lasted for months. Court injunctions eventually helped to crush the union, protecting the steel industry for decades from organized labor. Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman plotted to assassinate Homestead Boss Henry Clay Frick for his role in killing the workers. Berkman later carried out the assassination attempt, failed, and spent years in prison.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #homestead #steel #strike #carnegie #Pinkertons #prison #massacre #anarchism #scabs #alexanderberkman #EmmaGoldman #union #assassination

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1439 followers · 3180 posts · Server

Today in Labor History July 1, 1892: Carnegie Steel locked out workers at its Homestead, PA, plant. The lockout culminated in a major battle between strikers and Pinkerton security agents on July 6. Determined to keep the plant closed and inoperable by scabs, the strikers formed military units that patrolled the grounds around the plant, and the Monongahela River in boats, to prevent access by strikebreakers and their Pinkerton guards. On the night of July 5, Pinkertons, armed with Winchester rifles, attempted to cross the river. Reports conflict as to which side fired first, but a gun battle ensued. Both sides suffered numerous deaths and injuries. Women also participated in the action. In the end, the Pinkertons gave up and surrendered. However, the governor called in the state militia, which quickly displaced the picketers and allowed the scabs in, thus ending the strike. In the wake of the bloody strike, Alexander Berkman, an anarchist, tried to assassinate Henry Clay Frick, Carnegieā€™s agent at Homestead.

K. Friedman wrote about the strike in ā€œBy Bread Aloneā€ (1901). Friedman was a Chicago socialist, settlement-house worker and journalist. His novel was an early example of the transformation in socialist fiction from "utopian" to "scientific" socialism. More recently, Trilby Busch wrote about the strike in her novel, ā€œDarkness Visibleā€ (2012).


#workingclass #LaborHistory #union #strike #homestead #carnegie #socialism #Pinkertons #scabs #anarchism #alexanderberkman #pittsburgh #steel #fiction #books #novel #writer #author

Last updated 1 year ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2717 followers · 4570 posts · Server

(Chinese peony, Chinese herbaceous peony, or common garden peony) is a species of perennial flowering plant, native to central and eastern Asia from eastern Tibet across northern China to eastern Siberia.

Colour this time of year (start of ) is sometimes hard to come by, but these do light up the gardenā€¦ and in numbers! Cannot wait to see these in full bloom.

Such a day-maker!!

šŸ“ø -


#paeonialactiflora #winter #carnegie #australia #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #mostliveable #aesthetichedonist #FlowersOfMastodon #gardeningau #narrm #victoria #downunder #makesmehappy

Last updated 1 year ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2713 followers · 4561 posts · Server

Not so sure what this isā€¦ and my ID App is having a tough time if it as well!

But itā€™s gorgeous and itā€™s owner, who gave me permission to snap away, didnā€™t know either.

He just said ā€œyou can buy em at Bunnings, mate!ā€

Any ideas??


šŸ“ø -

#carnegie #australia #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #FlowersOfMastodon #gardeningau #narrm #victoria #makesmehappy

Last updated 1 year ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2680 followers · 4478 posts · Server

Hereā€™s a cute (what I think is!) () sitting on a suburban fence in .

He was still enough for me to zoom in and snap a few pics.

These birds are in the honeyeater family. The species are endemic to Australia.

One pic shows itā€™s beak openā€¦ maybe a little tired?? šŸ˜‚šŸ„±

Nar, it was calling out in a shrill, but soft chirp kinda sound.

#wattlebird #anthochaera #carnegie #australia #birdsofmastodon #mostliveable #downunder #animalsofmastodon #melbourne #victoria #narrm #makesmehappy

Last updated 1 year ago

M. GrĆ©goire · @mpjgregoire
453 followers · 18296 posts · Server

@MelMScow Wikipedia says there are over 125 in Canada:

So, if I may ask, how did your father end up in Australia? It's a long way from Verdun.

#carnegie #libraries

Last updated 1 year ago

AKNativeNews · @AKNativeNews
133 followers · 892 posts · Server

StrongHearts Raises Elder Abuse Awareness
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(EAGAN, MN.) ā€“Ā  Despite the horror of being physically hurt, and having their money or medication stolen, elders who are abused or neglected often endure the abuse without calling for help. As lifelong caregivers and protectors, many elders suffer in silence to maintain the well-being of their family and...

#elder #abuse #awareness #stronghearts #carnegie

Last updated 1 year ago

Nashville Anarchist · @odonion_gethen
258 followers · 503 posts · Server

Theodore Roosevelt once said of the robber baron Andrew Carnegie:

- "There is no type of man for whom I feel a more contemptuous abhorrence than for the one who makes a God of mere money-making and at the same time is always yelling out that kind of utterly stupid condemnation of war which in almost every case springs from a combination of defective physical courage, of unmanly shrinking from pain and effort, and of hopelessly twisted ideals. All the suffering from Spanish war comes far short of the suffering, preventable and non-preventable, among the operators of the Carnegie steel works... during the time that Carnegie was making his fortuneā€¦. It is as noxious folly to denounce war per se as it is to denounce business per se. Unrighteous war is a hideous evil; but I am not at all sure that it is worse evil than business unrighteousness."

I've always found this such a revealing quote. Here, Roosevelt condemns Carnegie's pacifism because he believes his business as an industrialist is just as evil. He acknowledges that both are evil, but in the same breath is accepting that evil and defending it.

The Imperialist and the Capitalist, acknowledging one another's evils, neither budging from their own.

#roosevelt #carnegie #history #usa #capitalism #imperialism

Last updated 2 years ago

Nashville Anarchist · @odonion_gethen
258 followers · 500 posts · Server

Theodore Roosevelt once said of the robber baron Andrew Carnegie:

"There is no type of man for whom I feel a more contemptuous abhorrence than for the one who makes a God of mere money-making and at the same time is always yelling out that kind of utterly stupid condemnation of war which in almost every case springs from a combination of defective physical courage, of unmanly shrinking from pain and effort, and of hopelessly twisted ideals. All the suffering from Spanish war comes far short of the suffering, preventable and non-preventable, among the operators of the Carnegie steel works, and among the small investors, during the time that Carnegie was making his fortuneā€¦. It is as noxious folly to denounce war per se as it is to denounce business per se. Unrighteous war is a hideous evil; but I am not at all sure that it is worse evil than business unrighteousness."

I've always found this such a revealing quote. Here, Roosevelt condemns Carnegie's pacifism because he believes his business as an industrialist is just as evil. He acknowledges that both are evil, but in the same breath is accepting that evil and defending it.

The Imperialist and the Capitalist, acknowledging one another's evils, neither budging from their own.

#roosevelt #carnegie #history #usa #capitalism #imperialism #anarchism

Last updated 2 years ago

Fearteiler · @Fearteiler
108 followers · 1416 posts · Server

Die Spiele habe ich natĆ¼rlich alle getrackt und ganz soo schlecht war es fĆ¼r mich nicht. Da es viele fĆ¼r mich neue Spiele waren, danke ich allen SpieleerklƤrern (und es waren alle MƤnner). Da sieht man auch Mal, dass man andere eingehen muss, um seinen Horizont zu erweitern šŸ˜
Dabei haben mir aber nicht alle Spiele gut gefallen. Dabei sind zum Beispiel - da finde ich die Fixierung auf den Plan mit der Verbindung der StƤdte zu stark. war gut. 2/3

#carnegie #heat

Last updated 2 years ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2220 followers · 3403 posts · Server

It was tough identifying this precisely but I believe itā€™s a common of some variety. Known as .

Might need to crowd-source for a name on this one, as my ID app and Google image search came up with very little apart from a multitude of possibilities!

Most likely, like you, Ive seen these beauties all my life but have never paused to learn more about them.

This one stood out due to its striking shades of yellows, especially when in full sunā€¦ at some times of the day Iā€™ve seen this even look fluorescent.

Running my hand along the top revealed quite a tight-knit, soft texture of brush.

Quite astounding. And beautiful.

šŸ“ø -


#boxhedge #boxux #carnegie #australia #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #februaryfun #gardeningau #narrm #victoria #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy

Last updated 2 years ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2179 followers · 3346 posts · Server
The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
1554 followers · 2354 posts · Server

Iā€™ve been meaning to snap these two street names, that are a street apart from each other in .

Both names describing life aptly, at times.

Nice garden in the corner of the second pic.


#carnegie #australia #narrm #victoria #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy

Last updated 2 years ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
1502 followers · 2211 posts · Server

Who doesnā€™t love , right?

More from - there were about 5 or 6 dozen bushes growing in a garden in a public park just off the main thoroughfare.

Many peeps stop off to observe. And admire.


#roses #carnegie #australia #rose #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #januaryjoy #gardeningau #narrm #victoria #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy

Last updated 2 years ago