RoboAgent Gets Its MT-ACT Together - Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have shared a pre-print paper on general... - #carnegiemellonuniversity #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #researchproject #computervision #generalization #kitchenhacks #trainingdata #robotshacks #trajectory #research #robotarm #science #kitchen #robot #news #meta
#meta #news #robot #kitchen #science #robotarm #research #trajectory #robotshacks #trainingdata #kitchenhacks #generalization #computervision #researchproject #machinelearning #artificialintelligence #carnegiemellonuniversity
Researchers Poke Holes in Safety Controls of ChatGPT and Other Chatbots - A new report indicates that the guardrails for widely used chatbots can be thwarted, lead... - #carnegiemellonuniversity #computersandtheinternet #artificialintelligence #open-sourcesoftware #anthropicaillc #openailabs #googleinc #research #chatgpt
#chatgpt #research #googleinc #openailabs #anthropicaillc #open #artificialintelligence #computersandtheinternet #carnegiemellonuniversity
Researchers Poke Holes in Safety Controls of ChatGPT and Other Chatbots - A new report indicates that the guardrails for widely used chatbots can be thwarted, lead... - #carnegiemellonuniversity #computersandtheinternet #artificialintelligence #open-sourcesoftware #anthropicaillc #openailabs #googleinc #research #chatgpt
#chatgpt #research #googleinc #openailabs #anthropicaillc #open #artificialintelligence #computersandtheinternet #carnegiemellonuniversity
Director of technology licensing at #CarnegieMellonUniversity, explains how #OpenSource research drives innovation.
"lots of projects are dependent on open-source tech"
"Open source has been a popular way for researchers to share their research findings for a long time"
"Many academic journals require code to be made available under an open-source license."
#EdTech #HigherEducation #OpenEdTech #EdTechChat
#oss #highered #carnegiemellonuniversity #opensource #edtech #highereducation #openedtech #edtechchat
Spent our #carnegiemellonuniversity 27-100 class today at the #carnegiemuseum Hall of Minerals and Gems admiring some amazing #crystals! What a spectacular resource to have just around the corner. 💎
(Forgot to take a full group photo before we went inside, so only a subset of folks are pictured)
#carnegiemellonuniversity #carnegiemuseum #crystals
📬 WLAN Router erlauben präzise Beobachtung von Personen
#Datenschutz #CarnegieMellonUniversity #DensePose #privatsphäre #Tracking #Überwachung #Überwachungskamera #WiFiSignal #WLANRouter
#WLANRouter #wifisignal #uberwachungskamera #uberwachung #tracking #privatsphare #densepose #carnegiemellonuniversity #datenschutz
Coming Soon - TreeBot (iSeaTree ver. 4)!
Are you ready? (*please share in support of our graduating CMU/INI students who have done so much to support #iSeaTree this semester!).
#EnvironmentalEducation #ClimateActionNow #environment #trees #ClimateCrisis #protectthefuture #CarbonCapture #forest #urbanforestry #WIP #gischat #democracylab #CarnegieMellonUniversity #reactnative #reactnativedevelopers
#iSeaTree #environmentaleducation #climateactionnow #environment #trees #ClimateCrisis #protectthefuture #carboncapture #forest #urbanforestry #wip #gischat #democracylab #carnegiemellonuniversity #reactnative #reactnativedevelopers
@greeen wow - thanks. Just so you know - we are releasing V4 very soon (just in time for Christmas). Our volunteers teamed up with #CarnegieMellonUniversity CMU/INI students have to create an awesome new info menu and and AI for species detection!
Wi-Fi is 25 years old this year. Just two years after its adoption in 1997, #CMU became the first university to offer campus-wide, high-speed wireless internet access. "CMU's Wireless Andrew was the precursor to what we now know as Wi-Fi," said Alex Hills.
#WiFi #CarnegieMellon #CarnegieMellonUniversity
#cmu #wifi #carnegiemellon #carnegiemellonuniversity
A Minecraft Player Set Out to Build the Known Universe, Block by Block - Christopher Slayton, 18, spent two months intricately designing the planets. He even went... - #videorecordingsdownloadsandstreaming #virtualreality(computers) #carnegiemellonuniversity #collegesanduniversities #universityofconnecticut #computerandvideogames #tiktok(bytedance) #education(k-12) #minecraft(game) #unitedstates #socialmedia
#socialmedia #unitedstates #minecraft #education #tiktok #computerandvideogames #universityofconnecticut #collegesanduniversities #carnegiemellonuniversity #virtualreality #videorecordingsdownloadsandstreaming
#WEF Active #Cybersecurity
Curation: Carnegie Mellon University
Created by Carnegie Mellon University, licensed for personal/academic use only, not for reproduction.
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