I finished these Gondola Poles for Carnevale
#Warmongers #WarHamFam #TTCombat #Carnevale #GondolaPoles #BGG
#warmongers #warhamFam #ttcombat #carnevale #gondolapoles #bgg
Today I painted the Rashaar from the Carnevale 2 player starter box by @ttcombatuk, a lot of fun was had with these models!
So this is Magi-Rashaar, Raadru, a pair of Lesser Ugdru and three slaves
Looking forward to giving this game a playthrough
#Warmongers #PaintSlam23 #TTCombat #Carnevale #Rashaar #TheRashaar #MagiRashaar #Raadru #LesserUgdru
#warmongers #paintslam23 #ttcombat #carnevale #rashaar #therashaar #magirashaar #raadru #lesserugdru
[ultime notizie in cronaca] Peccato di vecchiaia di #Rossini salva le gonadi di corista affranto! #coro #choir #carnevale
#rossini #coro #choir #carnevale
Sabato 18 marzo a #CastelBolognese il #Carnevale dei ragazzi 2023 https://www.castelbolognesenews.eu/2023/03/sabato-18-marzo-a-castel-bolognese-il-carnevale-dei-ragazzi-2023/
Viareggio: “Il carnevale con la NATO non si fa è come il cavolo sul baccalà” https://umanitanova.org/viareggio-il-carnevale-con-la-nato-non-si-fa-e-come-il-cavolo-sul-baccala/ #cantieresocialeversiliese #antimilitarismo #Dall'Italia #carnevale #viareggio #Articoli #numero_7 #2023
#cantieresocialeversiliese #antimilitarismo #dall #carnevale #viareggio #articoli #numero_7
Corpi e spazio urbano, il Carnevale Sociale di Napoli si riprende la città https://www.dinamopress.it/news/corpi-e-spazio-urbano-il-carnevale-sociale-di-napoli-si-riprende-la-citta/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=corpi-e-spazio-urbano-il-carnevale-sociale-di-napoli-si-riprende-la-citta #Primopiano #carnevale #napoli
#primopiano #carnevale #napoli
Oggi è il carnevale ambrosiano ed ho stampato una mascherina per il porcellino di peluche.
Adesso però sembra un uniporco 😑
Nel rito #ambrosiano il #carnevale si festeggia (o si dovrebbe festeggiare) di sabato.
Non so voi ma il Carnevale è una festa che proprio non riesco ad apprezzare.
@valhalla @GustavinoBevilacqua@mastodon.cisti.org @mario
Carnival was this week! #ThrowBackThursday to when we went back to our roots with a commedia dell'arte performance in Thwing Atrium for Case Western Reserve Univeristy's Carnevale celebration in 2020! At the time we didn't realize this would be our last in-person commedia before the shutdowns! #TBT
#CommediaDellArte #commedia #improv #improvisation #comedy #farce #CWRU #CaseWesternReserveUniversity #CaseWesternReserve #CaseWestern #Carnevale #Carnival #MardiGras
#throwbackthursday #tbt #commediadellarte #commedia #improv #improvisation #comedy #farce #cwru #casewesternreserveuniversity #casewesternreserve #casewestern #carnevale #carnival #mardigras
#Digit #visit http://bitandmix.blogspot.com
#new #dj #djset #selection and #mix #mixed by Matteo Pisano.
I #colori #colors delle #feste #natale #christmas #capodanno #nye #epifania #befana #carnevale #carnival #rio #venezia #viareggio nella mia #NUOVASERIE #SERIE di djset
#music #house #afrohouse
#Tech #funk #disco #anni90
#digit #visit #new #dj #djset #selection #mix #mixed #colori #colors #feste #natale #christmas #capodanno #nye #epifania #Befana #carnevale #carnival #rio #venezia #viareggio #nuovaserie #serie #music #house #afrohouse #tech #funk #disco #anni90
Per la serie #ASpassoNellaStoria , c'era una volta il #Carnevale.
Anno 1838, il Direttore generale della Polizia stabilisce il regolamento per mettere d'accordo mascherine e sicurezza.
[Documento originale conservato all'Archivio di Stato di Como]
#aspassonellastoria #carnevale
@IPEdmonton @plantnoms Italy must have not got the memo then! We have chiacchere and carnival fritters for #Carnival #Carnevale #MardiGras #MartedìGrasso still I can eat pancakes whilst in Britain 🥞
#carnival #carnevale #mardigras #martedigrasso
Happy Carnevale!
Carnival has intersection with commedia dell'arte and also with the foundation of our troupe. Last year we staged "The Horrible and Terrifying Deeds and Words of Niphleseth, Queen of the Wild Island of Chitterlingonian Sausages" inspired by the 16th Century satirical novels by François Rabelais. In our play, Dottore Gratiano, Capitano Testosteroné, and Arlecchino hoped the spirit of Carnevale season would save them when faced against a supposed army of sausage warriors!
Watch these clips from our performances at the OSU Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies and Pennsic War in the Society for Creative Anachronism!
#CommediaDellArte #commedia #improv #improvisation #ImprovComedy #ImprovisedComedy #theater #theatre #ComedicTheater #masks #MaskedTheater #comedy #farce #OSU #OhioState #Pennsic #PennsicWar #SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCA #MySCA #RegramMySCA #Carnival #Carnevale #MardiGras
#commediadellarte #commedia #improv #improvisation #improvcomedy #improvisedcomedy #theater #theatre #comedictheater #masks #maskedtheater #comedy #farce #osu #ohiostate #pennsic #pennsicwar #societyforcreativeanachronism #sca #mysca #regrammysca #carnival #carnevale #mardigras
Hoy Martes es el gran día del #carnaval: ¿te has preguntado que sería de las #españoladas sin los #disfraces? Si conoces estas #películas clásicas ¿eres capaz de imaginar lo que cambiarían sin esos trajes?
#cineespañol #CARNAVAL2023 #fiestas #Carnavales #MartesDeCarnaval #disfraz #Curiosidades #MardiGras #Carnival #Carnevale #cine #mascaras #mask #masked #minienciclopedia #historia #aprendercine
#carnaval #espanoladas #disfraces #peliculas #cineespanol #carnaval2023 #fiestas #carnavales #martesdecarnaval #disfraz #curiosidades #mardigras #carnival #carnevale #cine #mascaras #mask #masked #minienciclopedia #historia #aprendercine
It's #Carnevale today so our Commedia dell'Arte Day core elements review should focus on #masks!
Many actors in #commedia wear leather half-face masks of grotesque proportions to symbolize specific stock characters. There is much influence and overlap between commedia masks and the #Carnival #masquerade!
#CommediaDellArte #commedia #improv #improvisation #MaskedTheater #Pennsic #PennsicWar #SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCA #MySCA #RegramMySCA #CommediaDellArteDay #MardiGras
#carnevale #masks #commedia #carnival #masquerade #commediadellarte #improv #improvisation #maskedtheater #pennsic #pennsicwar #societyforcreativeanachronism #sca #mysca #regrammysca #commediadellarteday #mardigras
Only a few hours left in the Carnevale celebrations to eat these Italian favorites.
#fattuesday #carnevale #italianfood #foodhistory #food
#food #foodhistory #italianfood #carnevale #fattuesday
Carnevale 2023
📷 #fujifilm #fujifilm_xseries #Carnevale #Carnival #Karneval #Fastnacht #Fasching #Carnaval #centerpiece #centrotavola #fotografia #centrotavoladitulipanorosa #handmade #saladapranzo #diningroom #xphotographer #artwork #stilllife
#fujifilm #fujifilm_xseries #carnevale #carnival #karneval #fastnacht #fasching #carnaval #centerpiece #centrotavola #fotografia #centrotavoladitulipanorosa #handmade #saladapranzo #diningroom #xphotographer #artwork #stilllife
🪷 #PancakeDay #ShroveTuesday #FatTuesday #MardiGras #Carnival #Carnaval #Carnevale: #Antinous says keep Pan in Pancake Day via Love Magic: Put a bay leaf under your pillow and say 7 times:
"Sweet #Antinoos in my dreams tonight
"My true love's face, reveal the sight
"Send me a Valentine imbued with love
"Both true and constant may he prove." 🪷
#pancakeday #shrovetuesday #fattuesday #mardigras #carnival #carnaval #carnevale #antinous #antinoos
An #anonymous #English #17thCentury #engraving from a #broadsideballad showing an #allegory of #Shrovetide.
Thomason Tracts, 1661
Shrovetide is depicted riding on an #ox and armed with a spit full of roasted meats, a #gridiron on his back, wrapped in #sausages and ready to go into battle with #Lent.
#calendarcustoms #foodhistory #broadsideballads #ballad #song #songs #cooking #cooks #pancakeday #fast #feast #carnival #carnevale #battlebetweencarnivalandlent #earlymodern #seventeenthcentury #onthisday #otd #onthisdayinhistory #shrovetuesday #history #historical #historicalfood
#Anonymous #English #17thcentury #engraving #broadsideballad #allegory #shrovetide #ox #gridiron #sausages #lent #calendarcustoms #foodhistory #broadsideballads #ballad #song #songs #cooking #cooks #pancakeday #fast #feast #carnival #carnevale #battlebetweencarnivalandlent #earlymodern #seventeenthcentury #OnThisDay #otd #onthisdayinhistory #shrovetuesday #history #historical #historicalfood #histodon #histodons