~ @HelloRob they were great for such a long time, but no one can remain great forever.
I had a #boyfriend in the #1980s when #Canseco was #Rookie of the Year, who had season A's tickets. For some reason, my primary memories of that era, besides #DireStraits and flunking out of #Cal, are the voice of the announcer calling out #DaveStewart and #CarneyLansford, and also, making out at the 7th inning stretch.
Tim was a good #kisser, but it didn't extend beyond that. Sorry, #Tim.
It was such an awesome era, and those times ended. I wish #MLB weren't corporate and weren't so worried about the whims of ticket #sales.
I wish all teams were the #GreenBayPackers, with local ownership. Even better, I wish it were the A's of the #1980s, with local ownership and local players.
#boyfriend #1980s #canseco #rookie #direstraits #cal #davestewart #carneylansford #kisser #tim #mlb #sales #greenbaypackers #strawberryletter23