Wanda Pickett · @wkpickett
109 followers · 126 posts · Server mastodon.social

When your neighbor takes his love of carnivals to the extreme, it can be a bit...interesting. I just want to say, these Zipper rides are LOUD, as are the screams of those trapped inside. Thankfully, the Zipper is now gone and only the rollercoaster remains, unused. I used to worry that the next Final Destination event might happen - & land in our yard.

#backyardcarnival #zipper #carnivalRides #ferriswheel #rollercoaster

Last updated 2 years ago

Heard of (incl. in )?

The have been at exploiting globalling for literally generations. At least since 1914.

Thanks for sharing the item. Unfortunately, we have nothing positive to say about . The are big, we suppose, and children like like and . We understand the love to.


#gentrification #minneapolis #workingPeople #bigBuildings #bigthings #circuses #carnivalRides #bedbugs #ny #billionaireclass #newyork #overdevelopment #speculation #eviction #publichealth #worldbank #imf

Last updated 5 years ago