Die 2. Staffel von #CarnivalRow scheint durch die Beziehungsgeschichten interessanter zu werden. 🧚♀️
#CarnivalRow It hurts to have to recommend #Amazon. Jeff #Bezos undoubtedly belongs to the #evil #empire. But there are also alternatives to #AmazonPrime. You can take them into consideration.
The series "#CarnivalRow" is definitely worth a recommendation. It deals with topics such as #racism, #xenophobia and #colonialism. Given the shift to the #farright that is going through the world as a result of #Covid, this series is #politically more #topical than any before. My favourite scene...
#carnivalrow #amazon #bezos #evil #empire #amazonprime #racism #xenophobia #colonialism #farright #covid #politically #topical
#CarnivalRow ist ein Krimi im
viktorianisches Zeitalter. Statt Steampunk gibt es Fantasypunk. Eigentlich gefällt mir das Setting. Jedoch ist es arg langsam. Die Kritik an Rassismus und Flüchtlingspolitik ist im Übermaß vorhanden. Optisch stören mich die Handtücher, die als Feenflügel an die Kleidung genäht sind. Ansonsten ist die Optik gut. Ich habe das Gefühl, Carnival Row wäre der kleine Abklatsch einer großen Fantasy-Buchreihe, die es nicht gibt. 🧚♀️
Sehr schade, dass #CarnivalRow schon nach zwei Staffeln vorbei ist. Hätte wirklich gern mehr über diese Welt erfahren.
#CaraDelevingne (#OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding, #CarnivalRow, #PlanetSex) is the latest confirmed cast member for the 12th season of #AmeicanHorrorStory. The new season subtitled #Delicate will be based on the novel #DelicateCondition, which is described as a feminist update of #RosemarysBaby.
#caradelevingne #onlymurdersinthebuilding #carnivalrow #planetsex #ameicanhorrorstory #delicate #delicatecondition #rosemarysbaby
Just finished #CarnivalRow. Despite quite clearly being prematurely curtailed at only two seasons, it had a satisfying and rounded ending which, like everything in the show, was significantly better than I expected.
Watching #CarnivalRow. Feels like Orlando Bloom is channeling Johnny Depp/Jack Sparrow at times 😁
It may be the combination of eyeliner and drunken belligerence. And his speech patterns.
Got (another) free trial of #AmazonPrime after cancelling it a few months back.
Now watching #CarnivalRow season 2.
I forgot about Orlando Bloom's accent!
Streamplan für die restliche Woche ☺️
#twitch #twitchstreamer #TwitchDE #twitchtv #streamer #streaming #streamplan #SCHEDULE #larry7 #DarkSouls #darksouls2 #ds2 #TheWitcher3 #TheWitcher3WildHunt #watchparty #CarnivalRow #vr #BeatSaber #kochen #haselnuss
#twitch #twitchstreamer #twitchde #twitchtv #streamer #Streaming #streamplan #Schedule #larry7 #darksouls #darksouls2 #ds2 #thewitcher3 #thewitcher3wildhunt #watchparty #carnivalrow #vr #beatsaber #kochen #haselnuss
Terminada #CarnivalRow, al final deja buen sabor de boca. Le ha venido bien la cancelación porque la 2ª temporada, tras tres o cuatro primeros episodios sosos, de repente pone el turbo y es un NO PARAR. Se nota que aceleraron tramas y cortaron otras por lo sano, pero oye, mejor.
Yikes, that.. thing in Season 2, Episode 5 of #CarnivalRow is horrifying. Like, proper nightmare fuel. 😧😱
It’s hard to top Morgan le Fey as portrayed in the Camelot 3000 #comic, but a close second would be Vignette Stonemoss from Carnival Row.
#MorganLeFey #Camelot3000 #Camelot3K #VignetteStonemoss #CarnivalRow
#comic #morganlefey #camelot3000 #camelot3k #vignettestonemoss #carnivalrow
So I know this sounds weird, but #CarnivalRow provides one of the most nuanced, complex, and biting criticisms I've seen in a very long time of social politics, taking swipes at everything from elitism to capitalism to Stalinism to progressivism to colonialism to libertarianism. It is (oddly for a TV series whose mood is 'steampunk fairies') an ode to incrementalism in a Hobbesian world. And I can't believe I'm typing this.
Just finished watching #CarnivalRow
was enjoying this show with its class/intersectional awareness and PunkFairy esthetic
However the ending / last episode was rubbish. With the main characters turning against their own to save the rich parliament.
What do we want, Incremental change
When do we want it , In a wee while.