Carolee Schneemann was of course challenging the domination of the art world by men - what she referred to as the Art Stud Club - decades ago. So why does it feel like it's only relatively recently that this kind of critique has entered the mainstream, with publications such as Katy Hessel's The Story of Art Without Men, and before that her thegreatwomenartists Instagram account?
#art #performanceart #caroleeschneemann
Saw the Carolee Schneemann Body Politics exhibition at the Barbican. I'd recommend it. Good to see a performance artist acknowledged like this (although Schneemann identified more as a painter).
Stelarc next?
If you want to catch the Schneemann, you need to hurry. There's only today and tomorrow left as the exhibition ends 8th January.
#art #PerformanceArt #CaroleeSchneemann #stelarc
#art #performanceart #caroleeschneemann #stelarc
Stemming from her revolutionary use of her own body as both subject and object, #CaroleeSchneemann offers a theory of body politics that still feels bold today.
#caroleeschneemann #art #performanceart
The first major exhibition of works by Carolee Schneemann since her death in 2019. Happening through January 8 at the #Barbican.