76 years ago:
Out of the Blue (US)
Set in an apartment building whose occupants include Arthur Earthleigh, a meek and mild type married to the beautiful-but-domineering Mae; a Bohemian artist, David Galleo and his always-there model, Deborah Tyler; and Olive Jensen, a Greenwich Village type who is always slightly-but-continuously ine...
#OutoftheBlue #VirginiaMayo #CaroleLandis #PaulHarvey #Film
#outoftheblue #virginiamayo #carolelandis #paulharvey #film
78 years ago:
Having Wonderful Crime (US)
Newlyweds (George Murphy, Carole Landis) drag their lawyer friend (Pat O'Brien) to a mountain resort on a search for a missing magician.
#HavingWonderfulCrime #PatOBrien #GeorgeMurphy #CaroleLandis #RKO #Movies
#havingwonderfulcrime #patobrien #georgemurphy #carolelandis #rko #movies