1290 Weber St. bid farewell to William F. Chipman after his first marriage ended in scandal. Steve Gorman explores William's second marriage, new residence, and real estate business that helped build Alameda as we know it.
#Alameda #SouthShore #WeberStreet #NelsonLansing #CarolineStreet #1270WeberStreet #1290WeberStreet #FlorenceLansing #AlamedaTreasures #WilliamF.Chipman #BerniceGraceHarrell #SouthShoreLandCompany #CarolineElizabethMcLeanChipmanDwinelle
#alameda #southshore #weberstreet #nelsonlansing #carolinestreet #1270weberstreet #1290weberstreet #florencelansing #alamedatreasures #williamf #bernicegraceharrell #southshorelandcompany #carolineelizabethmcleanchipmandwinelle
Dennis Evanosky introduces you to Caroline McLean Chipman Dwinelle, the woman for whom Alameda's Caroline Street is named. She was once married to Alameda's co-founder, William Worthington Chipman, as well as Assemblyman John Dwinelle, who helped create the University of California.
#Alameda #WalkingTour #DennisEvanosky #JohnW.Dwinelle #MarcuseAndRemmel #GoldCoastArchitecture #WilliamWorthingtonChipman #CarolineElizabethMcLeanChipmanDwinelle
#alameda #walkingtour #dennisevanosky #johnw #marcuseandremmel #goldcoastarchitecture #williamworthingtonchipman #carolineelizabethmcleanchipmandwinelle