R to @hkdc_us: On #LabourDay in #HongKong, remember union leaders like #CarolNg #WinnieYu & #LeeCheukYan are imprisoned & @HongKongCTU & many pro-democracy unions have been forced to close. The basic #HumanRight of #FreedomOfAssociation has ceased to exist. https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hkdc_us/status/1653035351835910146#m
#labourday #hongkong #carolng #winnieyu #leecheukyan #humanright #freedomofassociation
@CECCgov RT by @benedictrogers: The Chairs renew their call for @POTUS to sanction prosecutors & other officials responsible for eroding #HongKong’s human rights and for arbitrarily detaining such champions of democracy as #GwynethHo, #TonyeeChow, #ClaudiaMo, #TiffanyYuen, and #CarolNg. #InternationalWomensDay https://nitter.hongkongers.net/CECCgov/status/1633354361513611264#m
#hongkong #gwynethho #tonyeechow #claudiamo #tiffanyyuen #carolng #internationalwomensday
@HKLabourRights RT by @laiyanhoeric: #HongKong’s largest national security trial of 47 democrats will begin on Monday (6 Feb) 2 trade unionists #CarolNg and #WinnieYu have been detained before trial for 700+ days and 480+ days respectively. #FreeHongKong47 🧵 1/3 https://nitter.hongkongers.net/HKLabourRights/status/1622204981242896386#m
#hongkong #carolng #winnieyu #freehongkong47
@HKLabourRights RT by @laiyanhoeric: #WinterSolstice #冬至 is a time for family reunions. Our thoughts are with all #HongKong trade union organisers incarcerated & their families🧡 ✊FREE #LeeCheukYan ✊FREE #CarolNg ✊FREE #WinnieYu ➡️https://hklabourrights.org/research/hong-kong-trade-union-leaders-behind-bars/ https://nitter.hongkongers.net/HKLabourRights/status/1605875154776600578#m
#wintersolstice #冬至 #hongkong #leecheukyan #carolng #winnieyu
RT @HKLabourRights@twitter.com
#WinterSolstice #冬至 is a time for family reunions.
Our thoughts are with all #HongKong trade union organisers incarcerated & their families🧡
✊FREE #LeeCheukYan
✊FREE #CarolNg
✊FREE #WinnieYu
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HKLabourRights/status/1605875154776600578
#wintersolstice #冬至 #hongkong #leecheukyan #carolng #winnieyu
The #HongKong gov has dismantled the labor union society in the city and persecuted group leaders in the past years. People like #LeeCheukyan #CarolNg #WinnieYu shall not be forgotten. Support @HKLabourRights in calling for their release. #FreeHKpoliticalPrisoners. https://nitter.hongkongers.net/frances_hui/status/1605921596602040321#m
#hongkong #leecheukyan #carolng #winnieyu #freehkpoliticalprisoners