Scorci di apocalisse nel cinema di Tarkovskij #ArkadijeBorisStrugackij #FrancescoM.Cataluccio #AndrejTarkovskij #ErlandJosephson #LeonardodaVinci #TheodorW.Adorno #MichelFoucault #PieterBrueghel #IngmarBergman #leggeBasaglia #MaxHorkheimer #OrsonWelles #Apocalisse #Cinema&tv #CarolReed #PaoloLago #RenéChar #Cinema #follia
#ArkadijeBorisStrugackij #FrancescoM #andrejtarkovskij #ErlandJosephson #leonardodavinci #TheodorW #michelfoucault #pieterbrueghel #ingmarbergman #leggebasaglia #MaxHorkheimer #orsonwelles #apocalisse #cinema #carolreed #paololago #renéchar #follia
The main problem with Carol Reed's NIGHT TRAIN TO MUNICH (1940) starring Margaret Lockwood is that you're going to compare it to THE LADY VANISHES with which it has a lot in common. Not as good as Hitchcock's film but a decent train thriller.
My review:
#classicmovies #classicmovie #1940smovie #BritishCinema #britishmovie #britishmovies #spymovie #spymovies #spies #MargaretLockwood #CarolReed
#classicmovies #classicmovie #1940smovie #britishcinema #britishmovie #britishmovies #spymovie #spymovies #spies #margaretlockwood #carolreed
3 things about Carol Reed’s THE THIRD MAN [1949]
1. Landlady wrapped in a quilt.
2. We never see the children in the hospital.
3. Fingers poking through the grate.
#cinemastodon #orsonwelles #carolreed #War #Movies #3Things
On February 1, 1950 The Third Man premiered in New York City. Here’s a Post-It note portrait of Orson Welles to mark the occasion!
#TheThirdMan #CarolReed #GrahamGreene #FilmNoir #Noir #40sNoir #SpyFilm #ColdWarFilm #MysteryThriller #ExpressionistFilm #ClassicFilm #ClassicCinema #FanArt #Art #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#thethirdman #carolreed #grahamgreene #filmnoir #noir #40snoir #spyfilm #coldwarfilm #mysterythriller #expressionistfilm #classicfilm #classiccinema #FanArt #art #portrait #movieart #moviehistory
85 years ago:
Bank Holiday (UK)
A 1930s British summer Bank Holiday starts at midday on Saturday with a rush for the trains to the seaside. Doreen and Milly are off to a beauty contest, Geoffrey and Catherine are having an illicit weekend in the Grand Hotel and May and the kids are set for a more straightforward holiday of sea, sa...
#BankHoliday #CarolReed #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#bankholiday #carolreed #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
63 years ago:
Our Man in Havana (GB,US)
Expatriate Englishman Jim Wormold lives in pre-revolutionary Havana with his teenage daughter. Owning a poorly-performing business, he accepts an offer from the British Secret Service to recruit a network of agents in Cuba. Wormold hasn't got a clue where to start, so he decides to manufacture a lis...
#OurManinHavana #CarolReed #AlecGuinness #MaureenOHara #Columbia #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies
#ourmaninhavana #carolreed #alecguinness #maureenohara #columbia #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies
Tony Curtis, Gina Lollobrigida e Burt Lancaster in Trapezio (1956) per la regia di Carol Reed
#film #movie #cinema #cinefilo #CarolReed #TonyCurtis #GinaLollobrigida #BurtLancaster #RobertKrasker #Trapeze
#film #movie #cinema #cinefilo #carolreed #tonycurtis #GinaLollobrigida #BurtLancaster #robertkrasker #trapeze
I just watched Bank Holiday (Carol Reed, 1938) and rated it 7/10 ~ #films #cinema #cinemastadon #BankHoliday #CarolReed #MargaretLockwood
#margaretlockwood #carolreed #bankholiday #cinemastadon #cinema #films
Carol Reed’s Fallen Idol (1948) is an unusual noir from a kids’s point of view. It’s great! #filmnoir #carolreed
Continuing the ‘five things’ theme, how about five classic films (pre-1970) to get to know me? Hard to cut it down to five, but here goes:
- The Apartment (Billy Wilder, 1960)
- 12 Angry Men (Sidney Lumet, 1957)
- The Third Man (Carol Reed, 1949)
- To Be Or Not To Be (Ernst Lubitsch, 1942)
- Brief Encounter (David Lean, 1945)
#movies #classicmovies #classicfilm #oldhollywood #filmnoir #screwballcomedy #BillyWilder #SidneyLumet #CarolReed #ErnstLubitsch #DavidLean
#davidlean #ernstlubitsch #carolreed #SidneyLumet #billywilder #screwballcomedy #filmnoir #oldhollywood #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies
'tis the season:
#newgame #EgoVenture #adventure #thegamemaker #carolreed
[1948] The New Lot - This is a training film made for the British Directorate of Army Psychiatry directed by Carol Reed and written by Peter Ustinov and Eric Ambler. The film features five different recruits and turns them into an efficient well motivated team.
#OldBritishTelly #carolreed #PeterUstinov
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