Waiting to see if I have disc degeneration above an old scoliosis spine fusion. I've had hand numbness in the mornings off and on for a few months. My theory: compressed nerve at the spine, radiating into the hand.
Doctor's theory: carpal tunnel syndrome. Which doesn't make sense to me, I don't think it's a repetitive strain injury. Also, doesn't CTS affect the thumb and index finger? The numbness is on my pinky side of the hand.
Got a wrist brace.
#degenerativedisc #rsi #carpeltunnel
Dawn AI has now switched to avatars only. Was nice while it lasted. 😞
#aiArt #AiAssistedArt #disabledArtist #disability #arthritis #CarpelTunnel #DawnAi
#aiart #aiassistedart #disabledartist #disability #arthritis #carpeltunnel #dawnai
Dawn AI has now switched to avatars only. Was nice while it lasted. 😞
#aiArt #AiAssistedArt #disabledArtist #disability #arthritis #CarpelTunnel #DawnAi
#aiart #aiassistedart #disabledartist #disability #arthritis #carpeltunnel #dawnai
Started wearing a wrist brace to defeat the beginnings of carpel tunnel. I was originally hoping the ergonomic mouse was enough.
#ergonomics #writstbrace #carpeltunnel