Making a new table for the kiddos, and drew up three designs for the table top (which is yellow poplar). I like them all and need a tie-break!
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Extremely slow progress on those drawers. I've just patched up the old plywood floor from the rotten drawer. Mostly it was just delaminated, which was easy to glue and clamp back together.
Then I filled a few dents and small holes with PVA glue with sawdust pressed into it, which worked very well. Once the glue has dried, the mix is quite hard and can be sanded.
Also made some practice dovetails, one by hand and one with the table saw.
#diy #woodworking #carpentry #restoration
The ups and downs of doing your own carpentry, one bench done and already given out,, another bench in the making ready to go in my front garden but the big downfall of the day, went to fix my wobbly desk and bowed desk, took it all apart, the legs are beyond repair without specialist plainer tools which I don't have and the same with the top, well time to get new wood for a new desk
#wood #woodwork #woodwoking #carpentry #diy #garden
Our weekend project! An arbor for our blackberries. Built from lumber, wonderfully asymmetrical, and dug with blood, sweat, and tears into rocky New England soil.
#arbor #garden #carpentry #newengland
Learning day, I guess. Was going to make some dovetail joints for that drawer but got distracted with making and breaking tools instead.
Made a marking knife from a scrap blade. Wanted to add a handle, but broke two drill bits because this scrap was super hard (good for knives, bad for drilling into). The knife, sans handle works well though. Maybe I'll just wrap it or something.
#diy #tool #toolmaking #woodworking #carpentry #joinery
Replacement drawer is taking shape.
I'll be re-using the plywood bottom from an old, rotted rawer (with a bit of patching up), because it's still sufficient and I haven't got any other :)
This is for a garage workbench, so it doesn't need to be spiffy, only robust!
#garage #workshop #diy #woodworking #carpentry
After setting up the table saw, I went right to work. Out in the chicken jungle, there's piles of rough sawn sides like this. Some have a straight edge, many (like this one) don't.
I'll make a nicer jig later. For now I just nailed a straight guide to it and cut an edge to it, then the other side, then one opposite the bandsaw finish, then thicknessed it on the last side, all with just a table saw.
#diy #woodworking #carpentry #tools
The sun did me dirty. This staircase was fitted a while ago so the sun has had a bit of time to blast through the velux and warp this newel post.
I did managed to get it back as much as I could so I could fit the handrail.
#stairs #woodworking #carpentry
After a trying couple of weeks, I completed a personal project today. Posting as therapy.
It's an #electronics #workbench, replacing a crappy folding plastic table I'd been using. Surface is #birch #plywood, with #cherry #hardwood for edging and a back lip so I can't push stuff off the back by accident. The shelves/racks for equipment are made of the same plywood and cherry.
Computer on arm for reference materials, and swings out of the way.
#electronics #workbench #birch #plywood #cherry #hardwood #carpentry #furniture #Hobby
Double winder staircase, fitted in 2 hours over the top of another staircase. That must be some kind of record...
#stairs #woodworking #carpentry
Making Things Square in Three Dimensions - Measure twice, cut once is excellent advice when building anything, from carpentry... - #threedimensions #metalworking #toolhacks #carpentry #diagonals #welding #saddle #square #string #twist
#twist #string #square #saddle #welding #diagonals #carpentry #toolhacks #metalworking #threedimensions
Sometimes when I get bored, I bastardise a scarf joint when fitting new posts onto old. It adds minimal to no extra strength to this, but there we have it.
#stairs #carpentry #joinery #woodworking #woodwork
I was getting back into the swing of things this morning, designing a fancy but modern-looking newel post. But then I realised it was Friday, and all my motivation has gone out the window.
#staircasedesign #woodworking #carpentry
I sent some of my staircases to a potential client today; I forgot about this one. I enjoyed doing this one too. Oak treads and open risers with a glass balustrade give the open/floating effect.
I'm pretty sure this was one of the first jobs I completed after the lockdown.
#staircase #oak #carpentry #woodworking
I am designing this set of stairs to replace a new staircase that someone else designed horrifically. They created a straight flight of stairs. But the steps were ridiculously narrow to get the treads needed to get down. They also have a newel supporting a landing in the middle of the stairs, and not doing much. By making this winder section, I can use a newel post going straight to the ground and adequately support the landing as it should be!
#carpentry #staircasedesign #cowboys #woodwork
A shot in the dark:
My employer, Kendall County Illinois, has begun construction on a new building.
A number of massive hardwoods (white oak, black walnut) were "in the way". While it's too late to save the trees themselves, the logs are just stacked next to the dumpster awaiting an unknown fate.
Know anyone with means of loading and transporting large logs and who would be willing to come to Yorkville, IL to get them? Get in touch!
Don't let these trees go to waste!
Happy Saturday, y’all. Update on cabin floor project. I'm headed back up north to finish the job.
All the bad floor is out, and I've cut all the replacement plywood. Just gotta screw it down and start laying new vinyl plank flooring.
#Saturday #SaturdayVibes #SaturdayMotion #Diy #Carpentry #Photography #NorthernMichigan #Michigan
#Michigan #northernmichigan #Photography #carpentry #DIY #saturdaymotion #saturdayvibes #saturday
About 90 more minutes and then I get to go home.
#stairs #carpentry #anotherdayattheorafice
Afternoon entertainment. Prompted by the ladies of the house buying a €1 wooden spatula which didn't survive its first use.
Let's see if mine fares better. Not sure this birch is the ideal wood for the job, but it's what I had and I just wanted to see if I can do this.
It's from the rest of that birch log I made into a mallet. Split with axe, two cuts with a saw, chisel out the handle, plane plane plane, bit of carving and sanding. Sunflower oiled.
#woodworking #carpentry #woodcarving #diy
Today's tip for any hobby carpenter starting out. You really want to get yourself a rafter square, they are just excellent for marking angles and especially when splitting boards or anywhere you need long straight lines. It's one of those tools where you might think it's a bit unnecessary if you already have a square until you try one. Example #homeImprovement #carpentry