Public transit would be worth a lot to me, but somewhere with public #transit involves stuffing my family in a house half the size for double the mortgage. However, #Virginia has a program to setup a van pool if you can coordinate a fairly small number of people. So, if you live north of #RVA along I-95 beyond the reach of GRTC and work west of Richmond, reach out. At minimum we could get a #carpool going.
#transit #virginia #rva #carpool
#斉藤壮馬 「#carpool」 Acoustic Live #SomaSaito #Shorts
#Acoustic #carpool #LIVE #Shorts #somasaito #Vlog #voiceactor #声優 #斉藤壮馬 #男性声優
#斉藤壮馬 #carpool #somasaito #shorts #acoustic #live #vlog #voiceactor #声優 #男性声優
Michael Cera Palin announce tour, including NYC with Teenage Halloween #2023_05_18 #brooklynvegan #andrew_sacher #music_news #tour_dates #carpool #cliffdiver #dikembe #joudy #michael_cera_palin
#2023_05_18 #brooklynvegan #andrew_sacher #music_news #tour_dates #carpool #cliffdiver #dikembe #joudy #michael_cera_palin
Cindy Crawford’s 1992 Pepsi Commercial Parody w/ James Corden
#carpool #CBS #Celebrities #CelebrityInterviews #cindycrawford #cindycrawfordpepsi #Colbert #comedian #comedy #davidletterman #emojinews #impressions #JamesCorden #karaoke #latenight #latenightshow #letterman #memingoflife #Monologue #Pepsi #reggiewatts #sketches #StephenColbert #superbowl #supermodel #takeabreak #theellenshow #TheLateLateShow #TheTonightShow #tweetmail #シンディ・クロフォード
#carpool #cbs #celebrities #celebrityinterviews #cindycrawford #cindycrawfordpepsi #colbert #comedian #comedy #davidletterman #emojinews #impressions #jamescorden #karaoke #latenight #Latenightshow #letterman #memingoflife #monologue #pepsi #reggiewatts #sketches #stephencolbert #superbowl #supermodel #takeabreak #theellenshow #TheLateLateShow #thetonightshow #tweetmail #シンディ・クロフォード
France Forces Auto Advertisers to Encourage Less Driving
«French government ordered automakers to prominently feature one of three messages aimed at decreasing vehicle miles : “For short journeys, prioritize walking or cycling,” “Think about carpooling,” or “Use public transport every day.” »
#climatechange #transportation #carpool
Ich versuche hier mal was, weil mich vor allem diese ganzen Plattformen dazu nerven....
Gesucht wird die Mitnahmemoeglichkeit eines 'Anhalters' 😸
Wann: Fr. 03.03. ab 20:30 Uhr
Wo: Flughafen BER
Richtung: Magdeburg/Dessau/Halle/Leipzig
#mitfahrzentrale #mitfahren #carpool
#mitfahrzentrale #mitfahren #carpool
RT @pabloaraujogr
¿quieres conocer a #RobertoAltamiranoM? @roberaltmon
Aquí el #carpool que compartí con el para #CienciaEnlaVidaCotidiana
#Prefectura #Pichincha #EscuchemosParaDecidir
Enlace al vídeo completo 👇🏻
#robertoaltamiranom #carpool #cienciaenlavidacotidiana #prefectura #pichincha #escuchemosparadecidir
Does anyone have experience with using a car pool?
I'm looking at options for when my car reaches the end of the road. I don't do a lot of mileage and using a car pool looks like a possible alternative for when I want to use a car.
#car #carpool #environment #transportation
Does your employer reward sustainable commuting?
An employee will commute sustainably for at least 10 days a month, and the employer rewards them with $25 (or equivalent local currency) or 25% of a day off. Thats 3 extra days off a year!
Dance break at the stop light or mash-up edit with a video I found of my niece in her car while also in the same car? #carpool #dancesync #kpop #viralvideo #obviouslyajoke
#carpool #dancesync #kpop #viralvideo #obviouslyajoke
Go together! Are you organizing your holiday party? Want to encourage guests to carpool? GoManitoba has a handy, FREE tool that does just that. Check it out!
#transportation #sustainableTransportation #carpool
#carpool #sustainabletransportation #transportation
@csmaccath Or mount massive #NVDA to directly force our governments to instate a sensible program of #rationing - like in WWII.
I know, I’m a mad fool - but I still think we should try it. I’ve been talking #vegan and #plantbased and #carpool / take the bus / ride your #bike for YEARS, and these are things the majority of folks won’t voluntarily do in large enough numbers to make a difference. 🥺
#nvda #rationing #vegan #plantbased #carpool #bike #ClimateCrisis #climaterevolution #peoplesclimate
Hier finden Ihr vom #Mitfahrverband eine Übersicht von #Mitfahrdiensten für PKW-#Fahrgemeinschaften im deutschsprachigen Raum.
Diese Sammlung befindet sich im Aufbau. Gerne könnt ihr weitere Angebote und Änderungswünsche zusenden - Kontakt siehe Website.
#Mitfahren #Mitfahrvermittlung #Fahrgemeinschaft #Carpool
#mitfahrverband #mitfahrdiensten #Fahrgemeinschaften #Mitfahren #mitfahrvermittlung #fahrgemeinschaft #carpool
RideAmigos won the inaugural Excellence Award for Technology & Innovation at the Association for Commuter Transportation #tdm conference this week.
Proud to be a part of that team helping to shift commuting from single-occupancy car to trips towards more sustainable options like #walk #bike and #carpool to work.
It would be great to have a trip reduction challenge. How many trips per day or week can people reduce by #walking #cycling #transit #carpool #lifestyle change?
#walking #cycling #transit #carpool #lifestyle
Greetings, I'm thinking bout hitting the #Nashville #noagenda #meetup & understand this = family event. I'm single but still thinking about attending. B cool if wud b ther
Kkwwess-chun... Anyone else thinking bout goin that way fr NE TN (tricities), SE. KY, or SW VA? If so holler.
Have dependable module (knock on wood 21').
#convoy #caravan #noagenda #nashville #carpool #meetup