Daily #SteveKimock. #tbt. This is a retoot but I just felt like hearing it again. A long #acoustic #slideguitar duet with Steve and me at a now long gone club in #Carrboro #NC. Completely spontaneous and totally improvised.
#stevekimock #tbt #acoustic #slideguitar #carrboro #nc #mastomusic #guitar #improvisation
Practicing for a show a few years ago. A bucket list tune for me. The actual performance a few weeks later included a wonderful female singer adding harmony and a crack concertina player in front of a great audience at the #ArtsCenter in #Carrboro, #NC. Sadly no recording was made, so have to settle for the practice.
#artscenter #carrboro #nc #mexico #acoustic #ukele #cancionmixteca
#GenreOfTheWeek Twice a year some of the best #bluegrass, #country, and #OldTime musicians put on a performance at the #Carrboro #ArtsCenter. Here’s a tune from a 2015 show. These folks just feel this music down deep. The guy in the vest is #JimWatson of #RedClayRamblers fame.
#genreoftheweek #bluegrass #country #oldtime #carrboro #artscenter #jimwatson #redclayramblers #mastomusic #guitar #fiddle #banjo #mandolin
Pandemic Parking Lot. December 2020.
Behind All Day Records in #Carrboro.
Fig 1: #SmenaSymbol
Fig 2: #LomoLCA
Both shot on #fujisuperia400 #35mm
#carrboro #smenasymbol #lomolca #fujisuperia400 #35mm
My friend Ryan Byars with a great article explaining why extending the Bolin Creek Trail along the OWASA sewer easement in #Carrboro is the best and, really, only solution to connect Carrboro neighborhoods to schools. https://triangleblogblog.com/2023/03/07/%F0%9F%92%96valentines-day-in-carrboro-was-for-greenway-lovers%F0%9F%92%96/
One more for the day from me. I'm rehearsing one of my favorite tunes for a show a few years ago. Wish I had the actual performance at the #Carrboro #ArtsCenter later that week. The wonderful Maria Fairchild sang harmony with me and Ted Erhard played the sentimental concertina.
This one always hits me hard, maybe because I'm from an immigrant family and grew up in that environment. The sense of dislocation, distance from what you knew as home...
#carrboro #artscenter #mastomusic #ukulele
Last hustle on this #tour - Can't say it was a cakewalk to book but now comes the good stuff - the shows:
Thursday 16th #NYC
Heaven Can Wait - #Brownies #recordreleaseshow
Friday 17th - #kingston #Tubbys
Sat 18th - #PortsmouthNH
The Button Stage
Sun 19th #Boston #Cambridge The State Park Bar
Thur 23rd: #SilverSpring -#washingtonDC
Quarry House Tavern
Fri-24th - #Carrboro NC
Cat’s Cradle (back room) -
Sat-25 - #raleigh
Anisette Sunset Session (3:00PM)
please say hi!
#tour #nyc #brownies #recordreleaseshow #kingston #tubbys #portsmouthnh #boston #cambridge #silverspring #washingtondc #carrboro #raleigh
A representative set of #Carrboro speakers at Council would be
60% renters
40% non-white
That's not what we get when we talk greenways: https://citybeautiful21.com/2022/12/30/carrboros-public-comment-process-at-town-council-is-inequitable-and-must-change/#comments
Not a great recording but a lovely performance nonetheless from #RebeccaNewton and her daughter Abigail Sheriff. From 2018 at our annual Christmas show at the #Carrboro #ArtsCenter. Not a dry eye in the place.
#rebeccanewton #carrboro #artscenter #auldlangsyne #mastomusuc #happynewyear
Not a great recording but a lovely performance nonetheless from #RebeccaNewton and her daughter. From 2018 at our annual Christmas show at the #Carrboro #ArtsCenter. Not a dry eye in the place.
#rebeccanewton #carrboro #artscenter #auldlangsyne #mastomusuc #happynewyear
New CB21 Blog Post: #Carrboro's Public Comment Process at Town Council is Inequitable, and Must Change - https://citybeautiful21.com/2022/12/30/carrboros-public-comment-process-at-town-council-is-inequitable-and-must-change/
#Carrboro mill village: a lot by a triplex has been cleared. Since triplexes are illegal to build on this lot, we’ll get a house that costs over $800k.
#NorfolkSouthern using every available inch of track. I was waiting for a lunch meeting in #Carrboro #northcarolina earlier this week when I was shocked to see this #gp38 heading right toward me. The crew used a pocket track at the old passenger station to run around their #train, then shoved coal loads into the #UNC power plant.
#railroad #americansouth #autumn #railroadphotography #wideangle #GalaxyS22 #freight #emd
#norfolksouthern #carrboro #northcarolina #gp38 #train #unc #railroad #americansouth #autumn #railroadphotography #wideangle #GalaxyS22 #freight #emd
Kudos to #Raleigh for continuing to expand housing choices with their new ADU gallery. #Carrboro, we should be cutting and pasting from initiatives like these. https://raleighnc.gov/planning/city-raleigh-launches-north-carolinas-first-adu-gallery
The NYT released a map looking at CO2 emissions across the US. The #MissingMiddleCarrboro tour (purple) n'hood has the lowest emissions in #Carrboro.
#missingmiddlecarrboro #carrboro
Another great idea that will attract interest in #Carrboro. A 1-yr pilot for residents earning less than 80% AMI would be equity-aware. https://twitter.com/lindsaykelleys/status/1600197173752234001?s=46&t=6N9BOI2QMNDEPb7m5OAcXA
My quick take on tonight’s #Carrboro Connects discussion is that pursuing key goals via small area planning is a recipe for paralysis by analysis. More later.
At the #Carrboro bike breakfast, and hearing from a UNC medical student about how the need for more and safer bike facilities has become more acute during the bus operator shortage at our local transit providers. Another important lens on our mobility challenges.
Say hello to @gosallygreene, who I believe is the first local (Chapel Hill/Carrboro/Orange County NC) politician who’s joined Mastodon. Welcome! #twittermigration #chapelhill #carrboro #ocnc
#twittermigration #chapelhill #carrboro #ocnc