Is a Pigeon faster than the Internet? - [Jeff Geerling]’s latest project is for the birds — literally. Even though he has ... - #internethacks #carrierpigeon #internetspeed #datatransfer #pigeon
#pigeon #Datatransfer #internetspeed #carrierpigeon #internethacks
In the Indian state of Odisha, police keep a flock of carrier pigeons in case more modern communication methods are knocked out during emergencies, or the local KFC closes down.
#india #odisha #police #communications #pigeons #carrierpigeon #facts #QI #notQI
#india #Odisha #police #communications #pigeons #carrierpigeon #facts #qi #notqi
Global News BC: Pigeon wearing meth-filled ‘backpack’ busted at B.C. prison #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Pigeoncarryingdrugsintoprison #Carrierpigeontransportsdrugs #carrierpigeondrugsprison #PacificInstitutiondrugs #Pigeontransportsdrugs #pigeoncarryingdrugs #carrierpigeondrugs #PacificInstitution #drugsinprisons #carrierpigeon #Pigeonprison #Offbeat #Pigeon #Crime #Drone
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #pigeoncarryingdrugsintoprison #carrierpigeontransportsdrugs #carrierpigeondrugsprison #pacificinstitutiondrugs #pigeontransportsdrugs #pigeoncarryingdrugs #carrierpigeondrugs #pacificinstitution #drugsinprisons #carrierpigeon #pigeonprison #offbeat #pigeon #crime #drone
So far I am having more luck with Mastodon than training these two to carry messages.
Rock doves Pete and Lefty were orphaned as squabs. I raised them and they have technically been released but they still hang around and demand food and attention.
#twittermigration #rockdove #wildliferehab #carrierpigeon