Today I learned about the solar phenomenon known as #ParkerSpiral -- which means that even a #CME that isn't Earth-facing could still affect Earth! I did not know about that!
"July of 2012 witnessed the eruption of a very large and fast solar coronal mass ejection (CME) (see NASA STEREO Observes One of the Fastest CMEs On Record and #Carrington-class CME Narrowly Misses Earth ). While not directed at Earth, it was sufficiently large that it could have seriously disrupted the global electrical #infrastructure. The event did impact STEREO-A of NASA's heliophysics fleet which provided a host of measurements (see Sentinels of the Heliosphere).
"One of the conditions which contributed to the high speed of this event is that two smaller CMEs were launched a little earlier, and these events cleared out much of the solar wind material, leaving little to slow the outflow of the July 23 event (UTC).
"In the visualizations below, generated from the Enlil space weather model, green represents particle density, usually protons and other ions. In green, we see the Parker Spiral moving out from the sun generated by the sun's current sheet (Wikipedia). Red represents particles at high temperatures and shows the CME is hotter than the usual solar wind flow. Large changes in density are represented in blue. These three colors sometimes combine to tell us more about the characteristics of the event (noted in the 3-color Venn diagram below).
"However, if this CME had struck Earth's magnetosphere, which has a much stronger magnetic field, the changing magnetic field would induce much larger voltages in systems with long electrical conductors, such as power lines that run over long distances. These significantly higher voltages can damage power transformers."
#parkerspiral #cme #carrington #infrastructure
La nueva IA que avisará del fenómeno natural que nos devolverá a la Edad Media --> #ia #ai #sol #sun #carrington #carringtonevent #astronomy #astronomia #ciencia #systemfailure
#systemfailure #ciencia #astronomia #astronomy #CarringtonEvent #carrington #sun #sol #ai #ia
No conocía a Leonora #Carrington , gracias por traerla 👇🏻
Lamentablemente, cuántas "crisis nerviosas" no lo fueron...
RT @DeCromarty
Sigue el ciclo #EnsillArte, sobre la #silla como objeto del #arte, para el #TwitterCultural.
Leonora #Carrington es tan genial que es difícil de encuadrar, quizá #surrealismo.
Sólo ella podía crear la silla de #Daghdha, dios principal de la #mitología #celta irlandesa.
#carrington #ensillarte #silla #arte #twittercultural #surrealismo #daghdha #mitologia #celta
Speaking of storms:
Those marvelous auroras could also be a harbinger of potentially damaging solar storms that could catastrophically wipe out high technology in an instant.
#Carrington Event
If it happens, you won't be able to Google it.
What if a solar super-storm hit?
Physics World, August 2014
- Any Carrington-level event would therefore generate widespread power outages that would last months, if not years, across most of the developed world, in particular North America and Europe.
- Nuclear power plants are another concern as they rarely have more than a week’s worth of backup power onsite to run their cooling systems. A switched-off reactor usually takes a month to cool down far enough to avoid a meltdown, which means that firms would find themselves fighting to get their hands on supplies of diesel fuel to operate those backup systems. With more than 300 nuclear power plants across North America and Europe, how many catastrophic meltdowns could be avoided?
- Satellites would be affected too, with the electrostatic discharges generated by geomagnetic storms frying electronics, damaging solar panels and confusing star-tracking orientation systems.
#NoNukes #SolarFlare #SolarFlares #Carrington
Read more:
#nonukes #solarflare #solarflares #carrington
The Carrington Event and massive solar storms: just how screwed are we?
by Mark Duwe
From the archives, Mark Duwe ponders the Carrington Event, and the effect that a massive solar event would have on the Earth
#SolarEvent #Carrington #Skeptic #CriticalThinking #SolarStorm
#solarstorm #criticalthinking #skeptic #carrington #solarevent
Flare-up: How the Sun Could Put an End to #Nuclear Power
"A 2011 Oak Ridge National Laboratory report warned of a 33 percent likelihood that a #SolarFlare could lead to “long-term power loss” over a nuclear reactor’s life. With 440 nuclear power plants in 30 countries, and 250 research reactors, there are nearly 700 potential Fukushimas waiting to be unleashed." #Fukushima #NoNukes #Carrington
#nuclear #solarflare #fukushima #nonukes #carrington
Sunday overtime at the Carrington Cloud Factory
#carrington #landscapephotography
A list of public lectures accompanying the exhibition 'Virginia Woolf e Bloomsbury. Inventing Life' at Rome's Palazzo Altemps, Museo Nazionale Romana until #12/2/23.
Topics include #Carrington, #Keynes, #Forster and #Woolf.
#carrington #keynes #Forster #Woolf #interwarlit #bloomsbury #rome #italy