@radiojagou @Supermouse If I had to guess wildly extrapolating on limited data I would say that there is a reasonable chance of a #CarringtonEvent type flare within the next 8 cycles, satellites have caught at least one during our space age but it missed. If you just want the NET to go down...my admittedly on the pessimistic side expect the #ClimateCrisis to cause our civilisation to collapse mid 40's +- a decade or so. Still glad you followed me❓Maybe the special effects will be interesting‼️‼️ 😜
#carringtonevent #climatecrisis
@radiojagou Well if you want a steam equivalent that works like steam can substituent for cyber then I would after the big solar flare*1 sends us back to the stone age use the #Discworld equivalent & go with #ClacksPunk as #SemaPunk for semaphore might be misconstrued in some circles who are bad at spelling😜
*1 Only 18 months to go before we are safe from a #CarringtonEvent this cycle for another 11 years probably...
Feedline found via @Supermouse
#discworld #clackspunk #semapunk #lifewithouttheinternet #carringtonevent
The Carrington Event was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history, peaking from 1 to 2 September 1859 during solar cycle 10. It created strong auroral displays that were reported globally and caused sparking and even fires in multiple telegraph stations.
#science #sciencefacts #solarflare #geomagneticstorm #carringtonevent
#science #sciencefacts #solarFlare #geomagneticstorm #carringtonevent
#SolarMaximum could hit us harder and sooner than we thought. How dangerous will the sun's chaotic peak be?
The sun is quickly approaching a major peak in solar activity. Experts warn it could potentially begin by the end of 2023, years before initial predictions suggested.
By Harry Baker, June 23, 2023
"Originally, scientists predicted that the current solar cycle would peak in 2025. But a bumper crop of sunspots, solar storms and rare solar phenomena suggest solar maximum could arrive by the end of this year at the earliest — and several experts told Live Science we are poorly prepared. "
#SolarFlares #SolarFlare #SolarCycle24 #CarringtonEvent #CarringtonEffect
#solarmaximum #solarflares #solarflare #solarcycle24 #carringtonevent #carringtoneffect
Now we know how a solar storm took out a fleet of Starlinks
by Carolyn Collins, April 3, 2023
"The folks at Starlink found that out the hard way in February 2022. On January 29th that year, the sun belched out a class M 1.1 flare and related coronal mass ejection. Material from the sun traveled out on the solar wind and arrived at Earth a few days later. On February 3, Starlink launched a group of 49 satellites to an altitude only 130 miles above Earth's surface. They didn't last long, and now solar physicists know why."
#SolarFlare #SolarFlares #SpaceWeather #SolarCycle24 #CarringtonEvent #SolarWind #CMEs #KesslerSyndrome
Read more: https://phys.org/news/2023-04-solar-storm-fleet-starlinks.html
#solarflare #solarflares #spaceweather #solarcycle24 #carringtonevent #solarwind #cmes #kesslersyndrome
May 19, 2023
SURPRISE GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Surprising forecasters, a crack opened in Earth's magnetic field on May 19th. #Solar wind poured through the gap, sparking a G2-class #geomagnetic storm. Naked-eye auroras were visible across many northern-tier US states while photographic auroras descended as far south as Missouri (latitude +40.2N):
"'The night started off with a surprise passage of #Starlink satellites whose 21 or so members flared to incredibly bright for a few seconds,' says photographer Dan Bush of Albany, Missouri. 'Then the red auroras came and were visible to my camera for about an hour or so.'
"This event was probably caused by a near-miss #CME--one of many that left the sun last week on trajectories slightly off the sun-Earth line. South-pointing magnetic fields in the CME's wake washed over Earth. Those south-pointing fields partially cancelled Earth's north-pointing magnetic field, lowering our defenses against the solar wind."
#SolarFlare #SolarFlares #SpaceWeather #SolarCycle24 #CarringtonEvent #SolarWind #CMEs
#Solar #geomagnetic #starlink #cme #solarflare #solarflares #spaceweather #solarcycle24 #carringtonevent #solarwind #cmes
Hold onto your hats! Very active sunspot region 3310 just belched out an M 8.9 fare (almost X-class), and is about to become Earth-facing.
Via Spaceweather.com - A DANGEROUS SUNSPOT: Growing sunspot AR3311 has an unstable 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that harbors energy for strong solar flares. NOAA forecasters say there is a 75% chance of M-class flares and a 35% chance of X-flares on May 21st. "
Latest #Solar news:
#SolarFlare #SolarFlares #SpaceWeather #SolarCycle24 #CarringtonEvent
#Solar #solarflare #solarflares #spaceweather #solarcycle24 #carringtonevent
NASA could only give 30-minute warning before solar storm hits Earth
By Stacy Liberatore, May 15, 2023
- NASA revealed its AI system can predict solar storms 30 minutes in advance
- But this may not be enough time to prepare for a devastating #blackout
#SolarFlares #SolarCycle25 #SolarFlare #CarringtonEvent #SpaceWeather
#carringtonevent #blackout #solarflares #solarcycle25 #solarflare #spaceweather
Apparently we could be in for a geomagnetic storm tonight, which could lead to a light show in the sky (and hopefully not blackouts!)
These don't happen very often - the biggest recorded one was in 1859 (called the Carrington Event) - and the effects were observed all over the world including this detailed account in the Argus.
#geomagneticstorm #carringtonevent
Wow! Sun Just Produced a Carrington Like Event, But We Got Super Lucky - YouTube
#astronomy #astrophysics #carringtonevent
The Carrington Event was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history - resulting in red aurorae visible from within 23° of the equator in both north and south hemispheres.
#science #sciencefacts #aurora #aurorae #carringtonevent #GeomagneticStorm
#science #sciencefacts #aurora #aurorae #carringtonevent #geomagneticstorm
From a year ago. #SolarCycle25 isn't through with us yet...
Why SpaceX Lost 'Up to 40' Starlink Satellites in a Solar Storm
Geomagnetic storms cause a sudden jump in atmospheric drag that can be fatal for satellites.
Geomagnetic storms cause a sudden jump in atmospheric drag that can be fatal for satellites.
By Jennifer Leman
"Space weather also poses a risk to Earth's communication and navigation systems and can weaken the power grid. One such storm, 1859's #CarringtonEvent, zapped telegraph wires, sparking fires around the world. NASA and other agencies around the world monitor space weather in an effort to forecast such events and develop technology designed to better withstand them. There's no word on whether SpaceX anticipated this issue." #SolarFlares #SolarFlare
#solarcycle25 #carringtonevent #solarflares #solarflare
If you think Covid-19 was bad wait for a real existential threat with the next Carrington level plus solar storm. Then shit will truly hit the fan. Back when I wrote about the threat of pandemics and solar storms in 2008-2011 I was laughed at.