Japanese Yen Hits 20-Year Low Against US Dollar; BOJ Maintains Loose Policy Amid Inflation Pressures - In the last month, Japan’s official currency has dipped slightly more than 1% in c... - https://news.bitcoin.com/japanese-yen-hits-20-year-low-against-us-dollar-boj-maintains-loose-policy-amid-inflation-pressures/ #globalliquidityflows #marketvolatility #financialcrisis #federalreserve #monetarypolicy #interestrate #intervention #bankofjapan #20-yearlow #bondyields #carrytrade #boj
#boj #carrytrade #bondyields #bankofjapan #intervention #interestrate #monetarypolicy #federalreserve #financialcrisis #marketvolatility #globalliquidityflows
A continued fall in USD could boost profits for FX strategies such as US#Dollar-funded #carrytrade which involves the sale of USD to buy a higher-yielding currency, allowing the investor to pocket the difference.
Gillian Tett on the money as usual: “”while the pain in “2008 was heavily in residential real estate, [now] it’s in negative-cash-flow venture and private equity companies as well as commercial real estate companies”. Ouch.” #CarryTrade https://www.ft.com/content/978304ab-4e02-4504-8efa-c7f3df1dfd0e