This article showing evidence of how parking lots "eat" U.S. cities (, found via @kottke) reminds me of another one:
"Why 'SimCity' has no parking lots, and other insights from the lead designer"
#SimCity #cars #parking #UrbanPlanning #cities #CarsDestroyCities
#simcity #cars #parking #urbanplanning #cities #carsdestroycities
The automobile and petroleum industries are ramping up the genocide in India.
This is car exhaust.
#theyrekillingus #carsdestroycities #carskill
@IndyPedCrisis let's fix the motornormative caption:
"Driver Wielding a Car Strikes Woman"
I’ve had to do a lot of driving lately. Another reason why driving shouldn’t be the only way to get around is bc you’re also dealing w/ 1000s of different personalities/temperaments on the road and ppl drive their cars partly based on their temperament. This makes driving really dangerous trying to predict strangers temperament.
#carsarenotfreedom #carculturesucks #CarsDestroyCities #carbrained #driving
#carsarenotfreedom #carculturesucks #carsdestroycities #carbrained #driving
Cleveland joining Columbus in filing suit against the automobile industry....
But only for costs associated with car theft.
What about the millions in other property destruction, by all automobiles, which are designed to cause it?
Right idea, woefully insufficient justification.