Good reasoned justification from a conservative (& Conservative) philosophical position of the case for #RoadPricing in all its forms, honing specifically in on #VehicleExciseDuty (#CarTax), #CongestionCharging & #LowTrafficNeighbourhoods (#LTNs / People Friendly Streets)
#roadpricing #VehicleExciseDuty #cartax #CongestionCharging #LowTrafficNeighbourhoods #LTNs
It's a start: #Taoiseach moots #UniversalLevy to replace #TVLicence When will governments replace #CarTax and #CarInsurance and even #RoadTolls by a levy on fuel so that the drivers who drive the most pay the most?
#Taoiseach #universallevy #tvlicence #cartax #carinsurance #roadtolls