« Aujourd’hui, j’ai défendu une morte » #CarteBlanche d’Alexis Deswaef, avocat https://lespunaises.info/2023/08/16/aujourdhui-jai-defendu-une-morte/
RIP Derek Watts, what an absolute legendary journalist. #DerekWatts #CarteBlanche #Journalism
Derek Watts dies, former Carte Blanche co-host says his death feels like a 'huge sinkhole'
#journalism #carteblanche #derekwatts
Le théâtre du jour : Le Château Royal d'Amboise. Mon programme mimique : initiation au mime et spectacle à 20h.
#ArtisteMime #CarteBlanche #mime #Debussy #Ravel #Pierrot #Amboise #Château #spectacle #conférence #stage #atelier #initiation #Nijinski #IndreEtLoire #CentreValDeLoire
#centrevaldeloire #indreetloire #Nijinski #initiation #atelier #stage #conference #spectacle #chateau #amboise #pierrot #ravel #debussy #mime #carteblanche #artistemime
Demain à 7h38 précise, je serai l'invité dans la matinale de France Bleu Touraine, rubrique Coup de cœur. https://www.francebleu.fr/emissions/grille-programmes/touraine J'y présenterai ma Carte Blanche au Château d'Amboise qui se déroulera le 05 août avec au programme du Mime, puis du Mime et encore du Mime ! https://slides.com/pillavoine/carte-blanche-a-philippe-pillavoine-slide-public Je vous dis à demain ?!
#ArtisteMime #CarteBlanche #mime #harpe #Debussy #Ravel #Pierrot #Amboise #Château #spectacle #conférence #stage #atelier #initiation #Nijinski #IndreEtLoire #CentreValDeLoire
#centrevaldeloire #indreetloire #Nijinski #initiation #atelier #stage #conference #spectacle #chateau #amboise #pierrot #ravel #debussy #harpe #mime #carteblanche #artistemime
Le Conseil d’Etat confirme que l’accueil de la petite enfance peut être préservé des logiques lucratives… #CarteBlanche https://www.lesoir.be/524809/article/2023-07-11/le-conseil-detat-confirme-laccueil-de-la-petite-enfance-peut-etre-preserve-des
Notre droit de protester est en danger ! #CarteBlanche https://lespunaises.info/2023/06/06/notre-droit-de-protester-est-en-danger/
RT @Politis_fr
Chaque semaine, Politis ouvre ses colonnes pour une #CarteBlanche.
Cet été, une loi d’orientation de la politique agricole sera proposée. Les consultations se terminent le 30 avril. Clotilde Bato, du @CollNourrir, alerte sur les enjeux de ce texte.
Reporterre #Violences en #manifs : « L'État donne #carteblanche à la #police » https://reporterre.net/Violences-en-manifs-L-Etat-donne-carte-blanche-a-la-police
#police #carteblanche #manifs #violences
L’Europe doit empêcher la catastrophe israélo-palestinienne… #CarteBlanche de la députée européenne Salima Yenbou (Renew Europe) https://lespunaises.info/2023/03/06/israel-palestine-leurope-doit-empecher-la-catastrophe/
L’incroyable leçon de dignité des laissés-pour-compte du Petit Château… #CarteBlanche https://lespunaises.info/2023/02/24/crise-de-laccueil-lincroyable-lecon-de-dignite-des-laisses-pour-compte-du-petit-chateau/
Rediscovery. Depiction of an ideal situation in life. Now wondering why I showed this work only once in an exhibition and almost forgot about it.
#carteblanche #pile #paper #art #kunst #conceptualart #visualart #fineart #installationart
#installationart #fineart #visualart #conceptualart #kunst #Art #paper #pile #carteblanche
Le paradoxe de l’accès à l’avortement… #IVG #CarteBlanche https://lespunaises.info/2023/02/02/le-paradoxe-de-lacces-a-lavortement/
We have no words 👀
Why is SA Tourism gunning for an almost-R1-billion deal to sponsor (checks notes) footbal club Tottenham Hotspur?
#CarteBlanche #SouthAfrica #News #Football #Soccer #TottenhamHotspur
#tottenhamhotspur #soccer #Football #News #southafrica #carteblanche
We're talking cadre deployment policies, the art of stepping down, and how South Africans (and the Western Cape) are reclaiming their power. That and so much more now on the latest episode of The WholeWeek Wrap with Daily Maverick! Find #CarteBlanche: The Podcast now on Spotify Africa and wherever else you access your favourite podcasts.
#southafrica #News #cbpodcast #podcast
#Podcast #cbpodcast #News #southafrica #carteblanche
Speaking of tigers... You can now watch our full investigation into Sheba the tiger. Was a fence cut on purpose, and was shooting her the only option? Macfarlane Moleli and the #CarteBlanche team spoke to experts, witnesses and Sheba's owner - Rassie Erasmus (no, not THAT Rassie...). #SouthAfrica #News
#News #southafrica #carteblanche
The NSPCA wants to know: where's the Edenvale tiger? In a lengthy statement, the animal welfare organisation claims a private security company is refusing to disclose the current location of the tiger. Furthermore, NSPCA inspectors were prevented from entering a home they suspected housed the tiger as well as other wild animals. Read the full statement now. #CarteBlanche #SouthAfrica
The government is looking into whether the ongoing energy crisis fulfils the legal requirements for the measure, Ramaphosa said in closing remarks at the ANC’s strategy meeting on Monday.
“Work is already underway within govt to establish whether the legal requirements of a national state of disaster are met and what specific actions we would be empowered to undertake,” he said.
#News #loadshedding #southafrica #carteblanche
UPDATE on the Edenvale tiger: authorities confirm the female tiger was found and sedated. She will be taken to a wildlife sanctuary. #CarteBlanche #SouthAfrica #News #ExoticPets
#ExoticPets #News #southafrica #carteblanche
We've received reports of a tiger that's managed to escape in Edenvale. The young female tiger, thought to be about 9 months old, was seen on CCTV camera earlier this morning. Authorities have been informed and are working to capture the tiger.
"Last spotted Eastleigh Ridge. Suspected to be in field above Aitken Road. Keep children and animals inside and please be vigilant and report when spotted." #CarteBlanche #Edenvale #Tiger #SouthAfrica #News #ExoticPets
#ExoticPets #News #southafrica #tiger #edenvale #carteblanche
It's almost #CarteBlanche o'clock! Join us at 7pm on M-Net channel 101 as we investigate allegations of corruption, fraud and murder at the University of Fort Hare. We also find out what really happened on the night Sheba the tiger escaped her enclosure. And we head off to Pretoria as bikers take of their pants for charity.