Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @proszekj_’s #RSCEng #RSCInorg #RSCMat #RSCNano #RSCPoster all about the stability of quantum dots. Don’t forget to go read their full poster!
#rscposter #rscnano #rscmat #rscinorg #rsceng #cartoonabstract
Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @AnderReizabal’s #RSCEng #RSCPoster all about Electro-writing. Don’t forget to go read their full poster and we live-streamed drawing this, go check out our Instagram to see it
#rscposter #rsceng #cartoonabstract
Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @abicollinschem’s #RSCEnergy #RSCMat #RSCPoster all about upconversion of green light to blue with some very excited molecules. Don’t forget to go read their full poster!
#rscposter #rscmat #rscenergy #cartoonabstract
Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @BaumV’s #RSCEdu #RSCPoster all about a A-level practical idea for separating ibuprofen and paracetamol. Don’t forget to go read their full poster!
#rscposter #rscedu #cartoonabstract
Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @AlessioCataldo5’s #RSCAnalytical #RSCOrg #RSCPoster all about investigating transmembrane transport. Don’t forget to go read their full poster!
#rscposter #rscorg #rscanalytical #cartoonabstract
Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @AineCooganNano’s #RSCMat #RSCEnv #RSCNano #RSCCat #RSCInorg #RSCPhys #RSCPoster all about photocatalytic membrane for purifying water. Don’t forget to go read their full poster!
#rscposter #rscphys #rscinorg #rsccat #rscnano #rscenv #rscmat #cartoonabstract
Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @accd718’s #RSCEnergy #RSCPoster all about the interesting application of anti-perovskites for batteries. Don’t forget to go read their full poster!
#rscposter #rscenergy #cartoonabstract
Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @MEdithCasacchia’s #RSCCat #RSCOrg #RSCPoster all about micellar catalysis of Masked (geddit) Acetaldehyde. Don’t forget to go read their full poster!
#rscposter #rscorg #rsccat #cartoonabstract
Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @andre_masella’s #RSCPhys #RSCAnalytical #RSCPoster all about RamApp and its use with hyperspectral data. Go read their full poster and look out for the public beta!
#rscposter #rscanalytical #rscphys #cartoonabstract
Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @Chemeng_boy’s #RSCPoster all about their proposal to make star polymers for drug delivery. Don’t forget to go read their full poster! 💊
Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @MohdAfaque4’s #RSCAnalytical #RSCNano #RSCMat #RSCPoster all about their label-free thrombin sensor. Don’t forget to go read their full poster!
#rscposter #rscmat #rscnano #rscanalytical #cartoonabstract
Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @DrJoScience’s #RSCEdu #RSCPoster all about hands-on learning for children with SEND. Don’t forget to go read their full poster (and do some hands-on Chemistry whenever you get the chance)
#rscposter #rscedu #cartoonabstract
Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @GeorgiaRitzema’s #RSCOrg #RSCPoster all about the photocatalysis of CAT. Don’t forget to go read their full poster!
#rscposter #rscorg #cartoonabstract
Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @THansenChem’s #RSCOrg #RSCPoster all about unstable parent molecules. Don’t forget to go read their full poster!
#rscposter #rscorg #cartoonabstract
Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @BTyliszczak’s #RSCMat #RSCPoster all about the use of biocomposites for bone tissue regeneration. Don’t forget to go read their full poster!
#rscposter #rscmat #cartoonabstract
Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @KRudnicki91’s #RSCtAnalytical #RSCPoster all about electrochemical monitoring of milk spoilage. Don’t forget to go read their full poster!
#rscposter #rsctanalytical #cartoonabstract
Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @cer5814012’s #RSCPoster all about Vibe Checking molecules. Don’t forget to go read their full poster AND go watch the Instagram video we made about it!
Our third #CartoonAbstract, this one is for @BoudreauChem’s #RSCMat #RSCChemBio #RSCPoster all about the breakdown of waste salmon. Don’t forget to go read their full poster!
#rscposter #rscchembio #rscmat #cartoonabstract
Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @ArshadFareeha's #RSCNano #RSCMat #RSCCat #RSCAnalytical #RSCPoster all about using fancy hybrid nanozymes to detect trace porcine gelatine in products. Don’t forget to go read their full poster!
#rscposter #rscanalytical #rsccat #rscmat #rscnano #cartoonabstract
Here’s our first #CartoonAbstract for @GierowskiJakub's #RSCMat #RSCPoster all about silver nitride-coated FP sensors. Don’t forget to go read their full poster!
#rscposter #rscmat #cartoonabstract