#11 - Most Helpfool! - ALGA thinks she’s the most helpful eejit in The Glen.
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See the next comic over on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/eejits #linkinbio
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#mastodoncomics #comicsart #comicstrips #comicseries #cartoonstrip
#cartoonstrip #comicseries #comicstrips #comicsart #mastodoncomics #digitalcomics #webcomics #eejitscomics #eejits #LinkInBio
🤖: Guten morgen! TrickBot here with your daily #hachybots #BlogReminder. Yesterday, Trick made 2 posts on his #blog. Including posts about: #billwatterson & #cartoonstrip.
Here's the day's archive for you to read: https://trickjarrett.com/2023-07-25.html
#hachybots #BlogReminder #blog #billwatterson #cartoonstrip
🤖: Hola! TrickBot here with an afternoon #hachybots #BlogReminder. So far today, Trick has made 1 post on his #blog, on a topic like: #billwatterson & #cartoonstrip
Check it out: https://trickjarrett.com/
#hachybots #BlogReminder #blog #billwatterson #cartoonstrip
#9 - The May Gobs! - is this unseasonal bad weather?!?
(Additional character designed by Iona Bain).
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See more over on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/eejits
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#cartoonstrip #comicseries #comicstrips #comicsart #mastodoncomics #digitalcomics #webcomics #eejitscomics #eejits
#8 - Spring is here! - PiPER & FOOG enjoy the delights o’ Spring in The Glen.
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See the next comic is already up and available over on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/eejits #linkinbio
#eejits #eejitscomics #webcomics #digitalcomics
#instagramcomics #comicsart #comicstrips #comicseries #cartoonstrip
#cartoonstrip #comicseries #comicstrips #comicsart #instagramcomics #digitalcomics #webcomics #eejitscomics #eejits #LinkInBio
#7 - Knock-Knock?!- BOWG gets caught out by his own stupidity!
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See the next comic is already up and available over on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/eejits
#eejits #eejitscomics #webcomics #digitalcomics
#mastodoncomics #comicsart #comicstrips #comicseries #cartoonstrip
#cartoonstrip #comicseries #comicstrips #comicsart #mastodoncomics #digitalcomics #webcomics #eejitscomics #eejits
#6 - Why so Grumpy?!? - BOWG continues to annoy residents o’ The Glen. This time the ever grumpy GREETAN.
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See the next comic is already up and available over on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/eejits #linkinbio
#eejitscomics #webcomics #digitalcomics
#mastodoncomics #comicsart #comicstrips #comicseries #cartoonstrip
#cartoonstrip #comicseries #comicstrips #comicsart #mastodoncomics #digitalcomics #webcomics #eejitscomics #LinkInBio
#5 - Could be Worse! - GEECHER’s come up a bit stuck after BOWG’s nonsense (see the last strip).
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See the next comic is already up and available over on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/eejits #linkinbio
#eejitscomics #webcomics #digitalcomics
#mastodoncomics #comicsart #comicstrips #comicseries #cartoonstrip
#cartoonstrip #comicseries #comicstrips #comicsart #mastodoncomics #digitalcomics #webcomics #eejitscomics #LinkInBio
The next #eejits #webcomic is here! #4 - Whu?!? What’s next for The Games? Anyone guy any idea?!?
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See the next comic before anyone else over on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/eejits #linkinbio
#eejitscomics #webcomics #digitalcomics
#mastodoncomics #comicsart #comicstrips #comicseries #cartoonstrip
#cartoonstrip #comicseries #comicstrips #comicsart #mastodoncomics #digitalcomics #webcomics #eejitscomics #LinkInBio #webcomic #eejits
Auster AOP.6 The Auster AOP.6 was a post-war development of the wartime Lycoming-engined AOP.5 (AOP standing for Air Observation Post, outlining its role as an artillery observation platform). This example - seen at a fly-in - is finished as an aircraft of the RCAF, the Royal Canadian Air Force. The all-over yellow scheme was intended to make it stand out against a snowy landscape, in the event of forced landing. The cartoon character painted on the nose (an example of 'nose art') is that of the dastardly 'Captain A.R.P. Reilly-Ffoull' of Arentwee Hall, from the British cartoon strip, 'Just Jake', drawn by Bernard Graddon and published in the Daily Mirror from 1938 to 1952. #Auster #AirObservationPost #AOP #DailyMirror #RCAF #RoyalCanadianAirForce #Lycoming #forcedlanding #aviation #flyin #noseart #cartoon #cartooncharacter #Reilly-Ffoull #JustJake #Canada #BernardGraddon #cartoonstrip #photography #aircraft #artillery #avgeek
#auster #airobservationpost #aop #dailymirror #rcaf #royalcanadianairforce #lycoming #forcedlanding #aviation #flyin #noseart #cartoon #cartooncharacter #reilly #justjake #Canada #bernardgraddon #cartoonstrip #photography #aircraft #artillery #avgeek
#2 - The Caber Toss - which #eejit is stupid enough to try this test o’ strength?!?
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See the next comic before anyone else over on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/eejits
#eejitscomics #webcomics #digitalcomics
#instagramcomics #comicsart #comicstrips #comicseries #cartoonstrip
#cartoonstrip #comicseries #comicstrips #comicsart #instagramcomics #digitalcomics #webcomics #eejitscomics #eejit
Something brand NEW from #eejits in 2023 - #eejitscomics Yup! A brand new webcomic featuring the Clans o’ curious cartoon creatures you know and love!
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#1 - The Games
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See the next comic before anyone else over on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/eejits
#webcomics #digitalcomics
#instagramcomics #comicsart #comicstrips #comicseries #cartoonstrip
#cartoonstrip #comicseries #comicstrips #comicsart #instagramcomics #digitalcomics #webcomics #eejitscomics #eejits
The “worms” was a strip cartoon first published back in 1979 in a cartoons/comics magazine. Since then it has been continually published in magazines, newspapers, sites all around and four years ago I renewed the style occasionally repeating myself, under the name “worming”, a family of worms and all their worm friends worming in new adventures.
And it's time to find their way here!
#cartoon #cartoonstrip #worming #worms #thanoskalamidas
I have been uploading a lot of my work (cartoons & writing) in Twitter for too long but since we live in the A.M era, time to ...move on.
Links of my writing have already been here, time for ...cartoons since soon I’m going to introduce my new cartoon-strip NOT in the Twitter!!! 😜
#Cartoon #CartoonStrip #MaSiri #Alexa# ThanosKalamidas
#cartoon #cartoonstrip #masiri #alexa
Guess whose moving back to Växjö!
Gissa vem som flyttar tillbaka till Växjö!
#NewCartoon #Växjöcity #Växjö #växjökommun #vaxjocity #vaxjocity #Cartoon #CartoonStrip
#newcartoon #vaxjocity #vaxjo #vaxjokommun #cartoon #cartoonstrip
I am a ladybug law enforcement cartoon man and these are my ladybug law enforcement cartoons.
#ladybug #deputy #lawenforcement #comicstrip #cartoonstrip
I am a ladybug law enforcement cartoon man and these are my ladybug law enforcement cartoons.
#ladybug #deputy #lawenforcement #comicstrip #cartoonstrip
A page from book 1
#cartoons #cartoonstrip #comics
#cartoons #cartoonstrip #comics
My latest Alcohol & Painkillers Sneak Peek features watching #ImACeleb #imacelebrity #imacelebritygetmeoutofhere #drawing #art #journal #comicbook #cartoonstrip
#ImACeleb #imacelebrity #imacelebritygetmeoutofhere #drawing #art #journal #comicbook #cartoonstrip