The mouse is now perched on his cholla, which now has a base to hold it. Still a little work to do, but it’s getting closer to done. #woodworking #carving
Today's photo with the most hits: the dome capping the stairway in the Casa de Pilatos, in Seville
#IslamicArchitecture #FineArts #dome #cedarwood #carving #intricacy
#islamicarchitecture #finearts #dome #cedarwood #carving #intricacy
A small weaving shuttle I quickly carved last night for my first tablet weaving project which I am starting this week!
#Weaving #TabletWeaving #Carving #WoodCarving #TextileArts #Handcrafts
#weaving #tabletweaving #carving #woodcarving #textilearts #handcrafts
Because some of you liked my last posts with my work in progress (naturally I haven't finished these, but started to work on an octopus jewellery dish 🙄 because you can't have enough UFO's in your life 😅) I show you my Kirschvogel. Kirsche means Cherry in German, Vogel = Bird. I had something swallow- or sparrowlike in my mind while I worked on it, but my dear family calls it "Die Ente!" (this duck!) 🤪, because the beak looks very wide when you look from above at the thingie. But I designed it to look at it from the side. I made it for myself and it now sits on a raised place on my desktop, so that I look directly at it and can just be happy about my small bird.
I saw something like this (bigger, shinier, better) on Pinterest last year and tried to make it in a smaller scale. It's a Holder for pens - or respectively my fountain pen of choice. The pen of your choice should resemble the tail feather. As you can see, a lip stick has also a perfect place here.
As funny as this is: The cherry wood I used is selled as neatly in smooth rectangles sowed smoker wood for BBQs. Nice for litte projects and much cheaper than wood which is explicitly sold for whittling. But it's seasoned and really hard wood - which gave me some problems in the beginning - until I switched to soak it before working on it.
#whittling #schnitzen #holz #carving #CherryWood #woodCarving #wood #woodworking #Holzbearbeitung #axe #hatchet #bird #pen #fountainPen #Füller #Tintenfüller #ink #MastoArt
#whittling #schnitzen #Holz #carving #cherrywood #woodcarving #wood #woodworking #holzbearbeitung #axe #hatchet #bird #pen #fountainpen #fuller #tintenfuller #ink #mastoart
Had a lovely afternoon with nice visitor and could do something while we talked. Here are some pics in progress: I played a little bit with fire 🔥 to smooth out the surface of this small jewellery dish I'm making. I always have problems with the surface after using my gouges. Working with sandpaper for too long hurts too much in my wrists. So I had the idea to use fire - it worked out great. Will do some sanding and then give it a polish with my homemade wood butter.
The other picture is showing a little spoon blanket I made today - out of a bit of cherry wood. It's relatively hard wood, before working on it, I always need to soak it for a few minutes in water. Maybe that's really bad for wood? I haven't seen other persons doing this (but maybe they mostly use green wood for whittling?). I tried it at other small objects and the wood didn't splinter or went grey. The outcome was really nice and I could work out a very thin rim. You can see this in the little kitchen chute I made, have a look in this recipe article for a cookie spice (scroll down to have a better look at it):
Also in the picture is the axe/hatchett I got for christmas. Used it for the first time. I like her weight, but the handle is a little bit to thick for my hands. As you can see, she is two faced and has an adze (Runddechsel) for bowls or (bigger than my actual one) spoons. Still searching for a name for her.
#whittling #schnitzen #holz #carving #spoonCarving #woodCarving #wood #woodworking #Holzbearbeitung #axe #hatchet
#whittling #schnitzen #Holz #carving #spooncarving #woodcarving #wood #woodworking #holzbearbeitung #axe #hatchet
@RobertBigg Glad you like it! Close engagement with the seal design proved very rewarding. Once we were hands-on, #drawing & #carving brought recognition & enhanced appreciation of many small details. (It's embarrassing how much I overlooked when just looking.) Also fun that over the 3years between the new edition of the biography & the seal booklet, we learned more from both #archaeology & #archives.
#medieval #SealMatrix #LadyOfClare #ClareCollege #CambridgeUniversity
#drawing #carving #archaeology #archives #medieval #sealmatrix #LadyofClare #clarecollege #cambridgeuniversity
A not-at-all-creepy wood carving in at #WWTCastleEspie… 😳
#human #art #sculpture #carving #wood #woodland #outdoors #mono #monochrome #blackandwhite #BlackAndWhitePhotography #shotoniphone #Halide
#wwtcastleespie #human #art #sculpture #carving #wood #woodland #outdoors #mono #monochrome #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #shotoniphone #halide
Fox Carving Day 2: 原来圆雕是字面意思啊,真的就是以圆球为单位将各个部位修成圆滑的线条。好神奇,明明是削掉了挺多,但视觉上却是越来越丰满圆润。工具除了左手链子甲和右手大拇指指套外就只用了一把小刀,来自BeaverCraft S15 这个套装,第一次用,质量不错,物美价廉,值得推荐 👍
#woodworking #carving #woodcarving
最近不是在学习《小日子:欠削吧,木头》那本书嘛,脑子还是想象不出怎么削这只狐狸的头跟脖子还有肚子和大腿的连接处,就去作者网站看额外的教程,最终逛到他的 Facebook 相册,里面有几千张木雕图片,专注的人太厉害了!👍
#woodworking #carving #woodcarving
Fox Carving Day 1: 伪第一天,彼时椴木木料买回来,锯了一小块,贴上《小日子:欠削吧,木头》提供的模版就放着没动了。这阵子没啥好玩,就对它下手了。椴木很软的,用 coping saw 就可以把大型找出来,锯的时候闻到椴木的香味,不是很浓郁,但又跟其它的木头不一样,淡淡的如同它的木纹。不知道我买的这块椴木料子在木厂是窑干的还是风干的,上刀子削的时候好好体验一把。
Thankyou for showing us.
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Callum G Robinson: My father's latest otter carving. Once again, realised on a single slab of old growth Scottish elm.
#otters #otrer #otterman #carving #woodcarving #ottercarving
#otters #otrer #otterman #carving #woodcarving #ottercarving
5/x So it was mostly forbidden to cut Iroko trees. In the #BeninKingdom (now Nigeria's Edo State), only the "Owina ne Igbesamwan", the Oba's woodworkers guild, was allowed to cut Iroko, the 'royal tree'. They carved pestles, mortars and beautiful wooden boxes like this one, currently in the collection of the University of Birmingham. It's one of the many, fascinating objects in the #DigitalBenin collection - really worth a longer exploration! #Wood #Crafts #Carving
#beninkingdom #digitalbenin #wood #crafts #carving
Algiz and Uruz rune blocks carved by Gungnir Godposts arrived recently. Each came with a paper script bearing words from the artist's own meditations. As with his godposts and pendants, these are quality, devotional items. #runes #RuneBlocks #blocks #algiz #uruz #futhark #carving #pagan #heathen #interfaithheathen
#interfaithheathen #heathen #pagan #carving #FUTHARK #uruz #algiz #blocks #runeblocks #runes