No one wonders where you would be standing.
Same as it ever was.
#carymango #carymaga #creepyspouseindahouse
Is this even a dot anymore?
Looks like a threat to me.
Are you clear on who this woman is yet and what she enables as her grift?
#carymaga #fashwatchcanada #carymango
Who will be the 100th target of #CarymaNgo's narcissistic rage?
It's gonna be soon! We're over 90 targets now!
Unsurprisingly, this one is a counter-protestor.
Definitely not fash, though.
Why would anyone think such a thing?
#ProtestProfiteers #ProtestParasites #CommunityDefence #FashWatchCanada #CreepySpouseInDaHouse #CaryMAGA
#carymango #protestprofiteers #protestparasites #CommunityDefence #fashwatchcanada #creepyspouseindahouse #carymaga
Earlier today (before I got distracted by more interesting things), I was going to snark further¹ that people should not donate to #ProtestParasites, but rather give money to the causes under attack.
But, perhaps I should reconsider.
Maybe people should donate to her so that, as she gets larger, she can stop wearing HIS clothes, and instead invest in her own wardrobe.
#protestparasites #carymaga #carymango
Oooo the #ProtestProfiteers are begging for alms again!
Trying to imagine #CaryMAGA following MLK around his "protest circuit", saying "SEND ME MONEY!" and claiming neutrality, but always standing on the other side of that bridge.
"Unseen perspective" indeed.
#protestprofiteers #carymaga #protestparasites #carymango