Caryma Sa'd loves propping up far right extremists like they're besties; as well as attacking antifascists as the enemy. She is not an ally and should be treated as those she chooses to coddle.
Audrey Skoog is big mad she got called out for doxxing a leftist and having someone show up at that home. The Pearl Clutchers (TM) are the ultimate in playing victim. Read the story via Twitter.
#CarymaNgo #CaryManson #Carymango
Poverty porn is never a good look.
It's never a good scene to use marginalized people for photo opportunities, especially without prior and informed consent AND/OR compensation.
Six months, 20 days and some odd hours later, Caryma Sa'd FINALLY decides to clear the air on what began a rise in questioning her motives. She intentionally left this knowingly controversial tweet without answering any of the accounts asking for clarity. If anyone is responsible for any misinformation about her role, it's Caryma herself for needing the drama, the attention & the controversy because she has no personality. Just a fabrication of one.
Bryan Trottier acknowledging that he helped Caryma Sa'd to dox and this endanger Antifascist activists. Caryma is a danger to allies and defenders wherever she goes.
Caryma Sa'd originally ignored #Diagolon and Jeremy Mackenzie and dismissed them as a joke, not to be taken seriously.
Today, she's flying across the country in both directions, not 'as his counsel', but for the 'public interest', collecting 'donations' to maintain her 'work'.
Funny how he's now relevant to her. She doesn't do where the fire is, she is the fire. And she's destroyed many victims along the way; or tried.
#diagolon #carymango #carymanson
Jeremy Mackenzie is the topic on Viva Frei with Caryma Sa'd? Birds of a feather...
#diagolon #carymango #carymanson