It has been a while since I've done a post regarding #CAS as I'm learning more myself. I'm learning how important support are for the family as well. Here is a great reference for people who are close to families with little ones suffering from this. #ApraxiaOfSpeach #Apraxia #ApraxiaAwarness
#cas #apraxiaofspeach #apraxia #apraxiaawarness 🔴 AO VIVO: 🌾LUCRÉCIO E SEUS 4 AMORES.. | Stardew Valley #EP39 #among #AmongUs #CAS #CreateASims #DetonaMandy #Dimissauro #FunBabe #FunBabe #GalaxiaSimmer #GamePlay #LookBook #luque #LuqueSims #MakeoverChallenge #Malena #ModReview #mods #MTSims #Pack #PlanetCoaster #RollerCoaster #simmer #SpeedBuild #SpeedDecoration #StardewValley #StardewValleyVideos #TheSims #TS4 #tutorial
#ep39 #among #amongus #cas #createasims #detonamandy #dimissauro #funbabe #galaxiasimmer #gameplay #lookbook #luque #luquesims #makeoverchallenge #malena #modreview #mods #mtsims #pack #planetcoaster #rollercoaster #simmer #speedbuild #speeddecoration #stardewvalley #stardewvalleyvideos #thesims #ts4 #tutorial
I dati sull’accoglienza in Italia, tra programmazione mancata e un “sistema unico” mai nato #Approfondimento #trasferimenti #accoglienza #piantedosi #prefetture #emergenza #lampedusa #schiavone #migranti #siproimi #viminale #salvini #valenti #cutro #SPRAR #cas
#Approfondimento #trasferimenti #accoglienza #piantedosi #prefetture #emergenza #Lampedusa #schiavone #migranti #siproimi #Viminale #Salvini #valenti #cutro #sprar #cas
Just updated @sagemath to 10.1 and spotted a small typo on the @gentoo ebuild, commented on the commit and the maintainer fixed it quickly :) #opensource #sagemath #SymbolicMath #CAS
#cas #symbolicmath #sagemath #opensource
As some of you may know my youngest struggles with Childhood #ApraxiaOfSpeach or #CAS so I just wanted to do a quick post to help raise some #Awareness and pass on some information.
#apraxiaofspeach #cas #awareness
My lab studies the evolution and diversity of the eukaryotic endomembrane system. Its earliest origins and how it has evolved and adapted in the many independent transitions from heterotrophy to parasitism are of particular interest. I am a protistologist, cell biologist, and a molecular evolutionist. I also aspire to be an scholar, an ally, a colleague, and a supporter.
#UAlberta #Division of Infectious Diseases #Department of Medicine #Department of Biological sciences
#ualberta #division #department #ucl #cloe #cas
Cas na Aruba #yellow #architecture #cas #aruba #rectangular
#yellow #architecture #cas #Aruba #rectangular
‘Terrifying feeling:’ Children’s aid strike in Ontario and its impact on the rest of province | Globalnews #CAS #Strike #ChildrensAid #J2DW #onpoli @onpoli
#cas #strike #childrensaid #j2dw #onpoli
Accoglienza nelle ex caserme al posto della tendopoli al Mattei? Home: «Ma non i Cas» #ATTUALITA'EPOLITICA #ExCaserme #Featured #LOCALE #Mattei #Cas
#attualita #excaserme #featured #locale #mattei #cas
Afortunadamente todavía hay algunos lugares en los cuales los curremitas no pueden meter su aparato corruptor.
Ejemplo: #Sarmiento de #Junín.
Hace poco fueron las elecciones, convocadas por un grupo disidente que después de muchísimo tiempo puso una lista opositora. Eso no sería de mucha atención si no fuera porque metieron nombres que no tienen NADA que ver con el #CAS como... Juan José Itoiz, hombre histórico de Jorge Newbery (eterno rival ideológico del CAS, casi el club del poder en Junín) y curremita bien oligarca, como vicepresidente 1°.
Afortunadamente le salió mal la jugada: el 82% de los socios del CAS que fueron a votar (y fueron de todos lados) le dijo que NO. Y se tuvo que meter en el traste sus deseos de ser el próximo Angelici.
Y es que cuando tenés de presidente a un hincha de verdad que no solo saneó al club, sino que fue capaz de LLEVARLO A PRIMERA DIVISIÓN, es como que todos juegan por el segundo lugar. No me extrañaría que en un futuro alguna obra del club lleve los nombres de Fernando Chiófalo y/o Sergio Perkusic. Hicieron méritos más que suficientes.
#sarmiento #junin #cas #futbol #argentina
@eniko if it was about #ITsec it would've been implemented in a way that lets #users, not #BigTech like #Microsoft, decide what to trust.
Instead of #CensorBoot we would've gotten #NERF + #Heads...
But instead we get the same fundamentally unfixable bs that are #CAs...
#cas #heads #nerf #CensorBoot #Microsoft #BigTech #users #ITSec
Wie hängt dein «Purpose» eigentlich mit deinem «Seelenplan» zusammen? Eine Antwort gibts für nur 12900 Franken an der Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich!
#zurich #cas #management #weiterbildung
Nejhlubší požitek z prázdnin je právě libost z nemusení; je to veliká rozkoš svobody.
A druhá veliká radost pravých prázdnin, to je požívání Času. Čas prázdnin není rozčleněn a rozdroben příkazy, co se v tu a tu chvíli musí dělat; není v něm rozvrhu hodin, nýbrž jen nekonečné a nerozdělené plynutí od rána až do noci. Den prázdnin není udělán z hodin, nýbrž z čistého trvání a nerušeného uplývání.
#prazdniny #prozitek #pozitek #zkusenost #cas #leto #klid
A Parma dopo il “decreto Cutro” sono già raddoppiati i migranti a grave rischio sociale e giuridico #richiedentiasilo #decretocutro #integrazione #michelerossi #accoglienza #Afghanistan #Attualità #rifugiati #migranti #ucraina #cutro #Parma #siria #ciac #cas #cpr #SAI
#richiedentiasilo #decretocutro #integrazione #michelerossi #accoglienza #Afghanistan #attualita #rifugiati #migranti #ucraina #cutro #parma #Siria #ciac #cas #cpr #SAI
Hallo Mathematikys im #FediLZ #MatheEdu,
hat hier jemand eine gute, sortierte Übersicht über die wichtigsten #CAS-Befehle der TI #Nspire-App? Ich will kein komplettes Glossar, sondern nur die wichtigsten Befehle, möglichst sortiert nach Analysis, Stochastik, lineare Algebra, analytische Geometrie.
#FediLZ #MatheEdu #cas #Nspire
If You Have an Enemy, Then Buy Them a Car: Gig Workers vs. Multinational Corporations in India
"In conversations with gig workers based in Bangalore and Kolkata, I investigated how gig work compounds the insecurity and precarity of already-marginalized groups in India, particularly along caste, class, and citizenship status lines," writes Agnee Ghosh.
#GigWorkers #economy #labour #labor #ola #uber #swiggy #zomato #AIGWU #caste #religion #discrimination #CasteDiscrimination #islamophobia #CAS #NRC #unemployment #business #india
#gigworkers #economy #labour #labor #ola #uber #swiggy #zomato #aigwu #caste #religion #discrimination #castediscrimination #islamophobia #cas #nrc #unemployment #business #india
#RFL Trial Tackle Height Changes!
Target Declares #Cas Deal Done!
#Results & #Scorers #NRL Rd16 Game 1!
#TimeIsNow #GROWTheGame #GrowRugbyLeague #RugbyLeague #RLFamily #SuperLeague #NRL #NARL #RFL #IRL #FFR #USARL #PDRL #RLIF #RLWC2021 #RespectTheREF
#respecttheref #RLWC2021 #rlif #pdrl #usarl #ffr #irl #narl #SuperLeague #rlfamily #rugbyleague #growrugbyleague #growthegame #timeisnow #nrl #scorers #results #cas #RFL
Flanagan New #StGeorge Coach! Hanley Signs New #Leeds Deal! Dean Loan To #Cas Confirmed!
#TimeIsNow #GROWTheGame #GrowRugbyLeague #RugbyLeague #RLFamily #SuperLeague #NRL #NARL #RFL #IRL #FFR #USARL #PDRL #RLIF #RLWC2021 #RespectTheREF
#respecttheref #RLWC2021 #rlif #pdrl #usarl #ffr #irl #RFL #narl #nrl #SuperLeague #rlfamily #rugbyleague #growrugbyleague #growthegame #timeisnow #cas #leeds #stgeorge
#RLWC2021 #Ref Big Ban!
#Cas 'No' To Evalds!
#Abdull's New #HKR Contract!
#GrandFinal 2025 New Location?
#TimeIsNow #GROWTheGame #GrowRugbyLeague #RugbyLeague #RLFamily #SuperLeague #NRL #NARL #RFL #IRL #FFR #USARL #PDRL #RLIF #RLWC2021 #RespectTheREF
#respecttheref #rlif #pdrl #usarl #ffr #irl #RFL #narl #nrl #SuperLeague #rlfamily #rugbyleague #growrugbyleague #growthegame #timeisnow #grandfinal #hkr #abdull #cas #ref #RLWC2021