Una antigua receta familiar de #vermut ha servido de inspiración para crear #Casals, un vermut rojo dulce que presume de ser el primero que incorpora la variedad ancestral selma y en el que se utilizan más de 20 botánicos... https://www.periodistadigital.com/elbuenvivir/20230827/nace-casals-el-unico-vermut-mediterraneo-elaborado-con-la-variedad-ancestral-selma-689404924662/ #FamiliaTorres #vinos
#vermut #casals #familiatorres #vinos
El quartet Casals és una de les joies del nostre país (tot i que als cds posi Cuarteto...). I el quartet de Debussy és una altra joia que, tot i no ser música alemanya, està prou bé. Avui és un cd aleatori de la meva estanteria, però estic força content que toqués aquest. (I de passada el de Zemlinsky del qual parlarem un altre dia).
#debussy #quartet #casals #music
#debussy #quartet #casals #music
Pau Casals murmura com Glenn Gould i a estones desafina, toca raro. I això fa que les seves sonates de Beethoven siguin les correctes. En especial, la tercera sonata en La M és la manera correcta de començar una peça. (És curiós com foten la signatura de Casals a la portada on diu clarament Pau, però just a sota posen Pablo... Poques bombes hem fotut).
#beethoven #cello #sonatas #pau #casals
#December 29, 1876
#OTD Pablo #Casals, #Spanish #PuertoRican #Cellist, #Composer, & #Conductor, is born.
One of the greatest #Cellists of all time, #Pablo is remembered for his #Bach #Cello #Suite recordings (1936 -1939).
In 1963, #JFK awarded him the #Presidential #MedalOfFreedom.
Pablo once wrote,
In #Music,
In the #Sea,
In a #Flower,
In a #Leaf,
In an act of #Kindness...
#December #otd #casals #spanish #PuertoRican #cellist #composer #conductor #cellists #pablo #bach #cello #suite #jfk #presidential #medaloffreedom #music #sea #flower #leaf #kindness #people #god #things #nature #Sublime #savagebeast #beauty #flowers #garden
Happy birthday Pau Casals! Your recording of the Bach suites at first sounded like a bad example when I was playing the cello and studied those pieces. I had to listen several times before I realized the unvarnished, insightful mastery you gave us there. And then I listened for more details of how you played certain passages and went from one astonishment to another.
#cello #Bach #classical #Casals
#cello #bach #classical #casals
Beethoven: #Cello Sonatas — #Comparison Summary: #Casals / (#Horszowski / #Schulhof), #Fournier (#Schnabel / #Gulda / #Kempff), #Harrell / #Ashkenazy, #Isserlis / #Levin, #Maisky / #Argerich, #Perényi / #Schiff, #Queyras / #Melnikov, #Rostropovich / #Richter, #Wispelwey / (#Komen / #Lazić)
#rolfsmblog #cdcomparisoin #mediareview #review #beethoven #sonata
#stevenisserlis #robertlevin #mishamaisky #marthaargerich #alexandermelnikov #paulkomen #dejanlazić
#cello #comparison #casals #horszowski #schulhof #fournier #schnabel #Gulda #kempff #harrell #ashkenazy #isserlis #levin #maisky #argerich #perenyi #schiff #queyras #melnikov #rostropovich #Richter #wispelwey #komen #lazic #rolfsmblog #cdcomparisoin #mediareview #review #beethoven #sonata #stevenisserlis #robertlevin #mishamaisky #MarthaArgerich #alexandermelnikov #paulkomen #dejanlazic
Right now, two concerts from #Barcelona: #Dukas #Mendelssohn #Vasks #Casals and #Mozart https://pst.cr/rbncD #wch
#barcelona #dukas #Mendelssohn #vasks #casals #Mozart #wch
In 20 minutes, two concerts from #Barcelona: #Dukas #Mendelssohn #Vasks #Casals and #Mozart https://pst.cr/rbncD #wch
#barcelona #dukas #Mendelssohn #vasks #casals #Mozart #wch
Today, two concerts from #Barcelona: #Dukas #Mendelssohn #Vasks #Casals and #Mozart https://pst.cr/rbncD #wch
#barcelona #dukas #Mendelssohn #vasks #casals #Mozart #wch
Video de Mariazel Olle Casals tiktok twitter reddit telegram Marizel maria zel mariasel mariacel » Thewtcho #video #mariazel #olle #casals #tiktok #twitter #reddit #telegram #marizel #maria #mariasel #mariacel #thewtcho #23agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGhld3RjaG8uY29tL3ZpZGVvLWRlLW1hcmlhemVsLW9sbGUtY2FzYWxzLXRpa3Rvay10d2l0dGVyLXJlZGRpdC10ZWxlZ3JhbS1tYXJpemVsLW1hcmlhLXplbC1tYXJpYXNlbC1tYXJpYWNlbC0zMi8=
#23Agosto #TheWtcho #mariacel #mariasel #maria #marizel #telegram #reddit #twitter #tiktok #casals #olle #mariazel #video
Irène Jolys, will play this friday at 3:25pm a musical interlude during the Exhibition of the Documentary Heritage on the Silk Road from the 16th to the 20th Century #UNESCO Salle Miro. #Bach & #LeChantDesOiseaux by #Casals.
#unesco #bach #lechantdesoiseaux #casals