So, I have moved my #HomeLab running in a Argon EON case from running OpenMediaVault to running #casaos
Currently running it as a Plex Server, basic file shares and a #VaultWarden server.
Meine Suche nach einer Alternative/Ergänzung zu @yunohost war eher ernüchternd.
Es gibt zwar reichlich Projekte, die aber alle an weit fundamentaleren Kinderkrankheiten leiden, als #Yunohost.
@sandstorm, #casaos, #umbrel, #homelab, ... alle ganz hübsch auf ihre Weise - aber doch keine echten Alternativen für mich.
#yunohost #casaos #Umbrel #homelab
Ich schaue mir gerade #casaos an und stolpere schon darüber, dass das Webinterface standardmäßig kein https anbietet.
Was sagt das wohl über die generelle Sicherheit des Systems aus? 🤨
Servidor montado, #CasaOS instalado y túnel vuelto a configurar :apartyblobcat: al coste de que el cerebro lo siento como esponja 🧽 🧠
Y pues tocará sacarle provecho a todo esto, sino ni para que lo hice jajaja
#casaos #ubuntuserver #cloudflaretunnel
Pues bien, el día ha estado muy tranquilo y aburrido en el trabajo, así que me la he pasado viendo vídeos al respecto de servidores caseros, alternativas y así. Y creo que me decantare con #Debian más #CasaOS. Ahorita tengo #FedoraServer y #Docker así al pelo, pero creo que CasaOS hará mi experiencia muchísimo más sencilla
#debian #casaos #fedoraserver #docker #homeserver #CloudflareTunnels
SecurityOnline: CVE-2023-37266: CasaOS Vulnerability Could Allow Attackers to Take Control #CVE-2023-37266 #Vulnerability #CasaOS
Is it best to stick with CasaOS on a ZimaBoard or go straight for proxmox? Want to use containers and add firewall and pihole capabilities.
Will build a TrueNAS solution on another box with internal drives.
Thinking it is time to build a proper homelab and stop depending on some VMs on my QNAP TS-453A (which is getting a bit old now) and a cluster of RaspberryPi SBCs.
Like the look of the ZimaBoard but would be too constrained for TrueNAS.
Thinking a used HP Z440 Workstation with a xeon processor would be a good base.
#homelab #raspberrypi #zimaboard #casaos #homeserver
Salut par ici ! Pour le #stream #twitch de ce soir, partons à la découverte de #CasaOS sur ! #twitchfr #twitchstreamer #sysadmin #netadmin #devops #personalcloud #autohébergement
#stream #twitch #casaos #twitchfr #twitchstreamer #sysadmin #netadmin #devops #personalcloud #autohebergement
How do I set up/restrict #Nginx to only use localhost since I use #Tailscale and don't need to expose everything to the internet. (If I asked the right question in the first place)
#nginx #tailscale #selfhosting #docker #casaos
I can also try running a #wireguard docker image in #Casaos running on top of #Ubuntu server on a machin located in A
Finalmente ho il tempo per provare la #ZimaBoard che mi è arrivata lunedì. La primissima impressione è ottima. L'ho connessa al router, all'alimentazione ed è partita con una versione di #casaOS che seppure avrà delle limitazioni aiuta (quelli come me) a sentirsi meno spaesati. Quanto alla velocità rispetto alla #raspberrypi siamo su un altro mondo, ma mi sarà più corretto di ragionare meglio su questo aspetto una volta che ci avrò installato sopra #NextCloud e tutto il resto.
#ZimaBoard #casaos #raspberrypi #nextcloud
La parte più difficile adesso sarà riuscire ad aspettare almeno fino a domenica prima di poterci smanettare!
#ZimaBoard #selfhosting #casaos #yunohost
I’m tracking a few other projects that seem philosophically well aligned with #SmallWeb.
The first group are focused on personal data management:
Another group is self-hosting operating systems. #Unraid, #truenas, #CasaOS, etc.
Maybe I should take the time to blog a roundup of these… and perhaps kick the tires for some how-to posts
#SmallWeb #SolidProject #UnRaid #truenas #casaos
Yes, there are some projects in progress out there trying to simplify the deployment of #selfhosted apps.
• #cloudron ▪︎
• #casaos ▪︎
• #umbrel ▪︎
• #pikapods▪︎
• #runtipi ▪︎
#selfhosted #cloudron #casaos #Umbrel #runtipi #PikaPods
Our first release for 2023 is here - CasaOS v0.4.1!
Punch `curl -fsSL | sudo bash` in your Ubuntu/Debian linux to get it!
Changelogs can be found at
#casaos #nas #selfhost #docker #cloud
CasaOS - Your Home Cloud OS. Community-based open source software focused on delivering simple home cloud experience around Docker ecosystem. #Sysadmin #Cloud #OS #CasaOS by