#CasaSusanna war in den frühen 1960er Jahren ein beliebter, ländlich abgelegener, Wochenendtreffpunkt für Cross-Dresser und #Transfrauen im Bundesstaat New York (USA). Die Stimmung so einer Casa Susanna konnte ich am 21.07.2023 auf einer privaten Grillparty mit sechs weiteren Cross-Dressern und Transfrauen - wenn auch unter ganz anderen juristischen und gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen - schon etwas nachempfinden...
#Ich #Me #CrossDressing #CrossDresser #CD #Transvestit #TV #Foto #Photo
#photo #foto #tv #Transvestit #cd #crossdresser #crossdressing #me #ich #TransFrauen #casasusanna
Great #vintage photos and quotes here.
"In the #1960s, a group of cross-dressing men and #transgender women spent weekends at an upstate New York retreat unlike any other. Owned by Susanna Valenti and her wife, Marie, Casa Susanna was a private, modest property where guests could escape the constraints of societal norms and express their gender freely."
#Trans #casasusanna #Transgender #1960s #vintage
Today’s recommendation is the documentary Casa Susanna about a community of transgender and cross dressers in 1950s-1960s America. Sweet, informative and shows (if you didn’t already know) how some people just know they don’t belong in the body they were born in. If you’re in the uk it’s available here https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001hqnh #CasaSusanna #TransRightsAreHumanRights
#casasusanna #transrightsarehumanrights