@MetalheadDana @HailsandAles Feels so right for this part of the world! #cascadianblackmetal
When your friend’s kid sends you a text like this… 🥲
I’ve been training for this day!
#atmosphericblackmetal #cascadianblackmetal
Am I falling into a pattern of posting #CascadianBlackMetal every Friday?
Maybe. #AlumOcculta are from Portland and I’ve found myself listening to this one over and over. 🖤🌲
#alumocculta #cascadianblackmetal
@Allfather the other end of the musical spectrum – and art so tall I could barely stretch my arms out far enough to get the logo in the shot 😆 #alda #cascadianblackmetal
Lost track of how many times I’ve listened to this. 🖤🌲
When your Venn diagram includes #metal and #birding.
(and yes, that bird actually performs on the the record ☺️)
#swainsonsthrush #cascadianblackmetal #alda #birding #metal
Finally had a chance to really listen to @alumocculta’s “Tephra”, and I absolutely love it. Really hoping the very recent departure of their bass player doesn’t mean the end of the band…
#alumocculta #cascadianblackmetal
The song of the Swainson’s Thrush at the very end of this track epitomizes what I need from Cascadian Black Metal – a visceral sense of place. 🖤