To my #EduTooter friends...
Exam season (UK) is here and soon Y11 and Y13 will be leaving us 😢
If you're looking for some inspirational reading for gained time 🙄 or the summer break 🌞...
I wrote two books...
#computerscience #Computing #caschat #edutooter
PLACES AVAILABLE on GIRLS INTO COMPUTING remote course next Thursday 4th May 15:45 - 17:15.
In GCSE #Computer Science, boys outnumber girls 4 to 1. Some reasons are a lack of role models, unconscious bias, and a non-inclusive curriculum.
Find out more here and please RT.
@edutooters #EduTooter
#caschat #CSEd #STEM #Programming #GenderBalanceProject
#genderbalanceproject #Programming #stem #csed #caschat #edutooter #Computer
@aweatherall @solderandchaos @edutooters @edutooter Sure, there are a few of us here occasionally using the hashtag #caschat
I wrote a blog post...
How social media makes us sad, and what to do about it.
#caschat #CSEd #computing
#ComputerScience #EdTech #InternetSafety
#Internetsafety #edtech #computerscience #Computing #csed #caschat
I'm doing a thing! Bitesize PCK sessions. Coming soon from me, three short sessions focusing on some really powerful techniques you can use in the #computing classroom, on behalf of TeachComputing, Cheshire and the Wirral hub. 27th, 29th and 30th March, 4-5pm, free to state schools.
Storytelling, synoptic teaching and misconceptions are all covered!
Details in the blog post here.
#caschat #CSEd #pedagogy #Teaching #EduTooter @edutooters
#edutooter #teaching #pedagogy #csed #caschat #Computing
NEW BLOG POST - details of my talks at I Love #Computing 2023 in #London THIS SATURDAY! Hope to see you there. Find out what I am talking about on my blog here, and follow the link to my talks from last year too.
BREAKING NEWS - my teaching book is a prize draw giveaway, and if you attend I will give a discount code on the day for both of my books. Hope to see you there. #caschat #CSed #ComputingEd #CEd
#CED #computinged #csed #caschat #London #Computing
New blog from me, an intro to #physicalComputing for #teachers, with some terms demystified and the devices explained... something I wrote for our #NCCE hub, enjoy.
#caschat #computing
#microbit #raspberryPi
#RaspberryPi #microbit #Computing #caschat #ncce #teachers #physicalcomputing
For new arrivals, here is my intro post... I am a #Teacher of #Computing and #ComputerScience in a UK #SecondarySchool #HighSchool #ukteaching interested in development of teachers, writing about teaching and computing, #reading and #cogsci.
I am the author of "How to Teach Computer Science" and "How to Learn Computer Science". See for more. And remember to follow me, thanks.
#caschat #CSEd #CEd
#CED #csed #caschat #cogsci #Reading #ukteaching #highschool #secondaryschool #computerscience #Computing #teacher
Doing some follow-up reading, this time with Rosenshine's Principles in Action, looking at the learning steps required. Never underestimate how long it could take for a student to save a file until they demonstrate automaticity. #caschat A quick flowchart:
Parsons problems with programming - a short overview and interactive problem. #python #programming #caschat
RT @ICTEvangelist
Welcome to Day 21 of #Appvent22 which reveals @elementari, a web-based #coding tool suggested and shared by Michael Drezek @m_drez - one for the #caschat crew! @rcoultart @MrAColley
Hashtags that define me...
#EduTooter #Teacher #Education #CSEd #ComputerScience #caschat #Computing #programming
#amwriting #author #writer #books #bookstodon #bookclub #poetry #poet #poems
#anxiety #mentalhealth #autism #autistic #neurodiverse
Follow if you agree 😁
#neurodiverse #autistic #Autism #mentalhealth #anxiety #poems #poet #Poetry #bookclub #bookstodon #Books #writer #author #amwriting #Programming #Computing #caschat #computerscience #csed #Education #teacher #edutooter
Hashtags that define me...
#EduTooter #Teacher #Education #CSEd #ComputerScience #caschat #Computing #programming
#amwriting #author #writer #books #bookstodon #bookclub #poetry #poet #poems
#anxiety #mentalhealth #autism #autistic #neurodiverse
Follow if you agree 😁
#neurodiverse #autistic #Autism #mentalhealth #anxiety #poems #poet #Poetry #bookclub #bookstodon #Books #writer #author #amwriting #Programming #Computing #caschat #computerscience #csed #Education #teacher #edutooter
Good morning #Education peeps.
New to being an #EduTooter so sharing our December antics on here!
#education #edutooter #caschat #BCS
Hello new followers (and old). Reposting my #introduction...
#Teacher of #Computing and #ComputerScience in uk #SecondarySchool #HighSchool #ukteaching interested in development of teachers, writing about teaching and computing, #reading and #cogsci.
I am the author of "How to Teach Computer Science" and "How to Learn Computer Science". See for more. And remember to follow me, thanks.
#caschat #CSEd #CEd
#CED #csed #caschat #cogsci #Reading #ukteaching #highschool #secondaryschool #computerscience #Computing #teacher #Introduction
Please join us for a #CASChat hosted by Jon Chippindall ( this Tuesday
(15th November - 8pm GMT)
Where we’ll discuss:
Primary computing curriculum design
Teaching #Python and interested in adding physical computing? Or using the BBC #microbit in class and wanting to explore text-based coding? The new online micro:bit Python Editor is designed to overcome common barriers to learning with a simulator, reference section with code snippets you can drag and drop into your code, auto-complete, indentation highlighting and more.
Discover more here:
#microPython #education #CASchat #edutooter
#python #microbit #micropython #education #caschat #edutooter
Loving this at first skim.
#ComputerScience #CSEd #caschat
#caschat #csed #computerscience
Here are some ideas I've had...
Why we must put the Science back in Computer Science.
How a teacher's understanding of computation improves Computer Science outcomes.
Why foregrounding computation and backgrounding technology is vital for Computing success.
Why computation has as much cultural capital as electrification, and why it matters to your pupils.
#caschat #CED #csed #dissertation #computerscience #Computing