Hhhm? Am I missing something.
The GAA paying 15m for a GAA-focused stadium (#Casement) costing 77m was always a bargain. That the building cost has risen to over 100m is, in the context of such projects and recent times, still tremendous value.
Oh, and Cork is not Ireland's "other second" city, whatever that means. Cork, great as it is, is the third city in #Ireland by some distance.
New in Paperback: The Literary Afterlives of Roger Casement, 1899–2016 by our colleague Alison Garden, which explores the literary and cultural afterlives of Ireland’s most enigmatic and controversial son. #RogerCasement #Casement #IrishLiterature #IrishHistory
#rogercasement #casement #IrishLiterature #irishhistory
@AjaanMark @jnyrose @templetongate @ilanaslightly @bookstodon I've been off #Conrad after discovering how he discarded his former bestie #Casement. He can feck off with himself and his heart of darkness
24 avril 1916 - «Pâques sanglantes» à Dublin
Le lundi de #Pâques du 24 avril 1916, à Dublin, un groupe d'Irlandais du Sinn Fein et de l'IRB se soulève contre le colonisateur britannique, à l'initiative de Sir Roger #Casement et James #Connolly. Ils forment ce que l'on appellera un peu plus tard l'Irish Republican Army (#IRA)...
#pâques #casement #connolly #ira #histoire #irlande