TheOnion: DeSantis Bans AP Psychology Out Of Fear People Will Figure Out What’s Wrong With Him #rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #narcissisticpersonalitydisorder #healthmedicalpharma #mentaldisorder #caseydesantis #rondesantis #psychology #education
#rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #narcissisticpersonalitydisorder #healthmedicalpharma #mentaldisorder #caseydesantis #rondesantis #psychology #education
TheOnion: Republicans Describe Their Strangest Interaction With Ron DeSantis #marcusdanielson #belindamcmurphy #antoinedesantis #daniellemorton #carolinazapata #humaninterest #caseydesantis #qurandesantis #grantwoodward #reincepriebus #tabithagarza #cliffordhill #tylerwinship #celestebaker #juandesantis #groomerjafar #kaseyperkins #cruelladevil #rickphillips #douglastyson #johndesantis #mimijeffries
#marcusdanielson #belindamcmurphy #antoinedesantis #daniellemorton #carolinazapata #humaninterest #caseydesantis #qurandesantis #grantwoodward #reincepriebus #tabithagarza #cliffordhill #tylerwinship #celestebaker #juandesantis #groomerjafar #kaseyperkins #cruelladevil #rickphillips #douglastyson #johndesantis #mimijeffries
If #RonDeSantis wants to appeal to the chauvinistic #MAGA cult, then #CaseyDeSantis is going to have to show more skin, like #MelaniaTrump did. 🤷🏻♂️ I don’t make the rules!
#rondesantis #MAGA #caseydesantis #melaniatrump
The Onion: Financial Problems Force Ron DeSantis Campaign To Fire Wife #rondesantis2024presidentialcampaign #rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #floridarepublicans #caseydesantis #rondesantis #generrapeck #desantis #politics
#rondesantis2024presidentialcampaign #rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #floridarepublicans #caseydesantis #rondesantis #generrapeck #desantis #politics
Casey DeSantis Is the Smiling Face of Anti-LGBTQ Activism
#CaseyDeSantis #AntiLGBTQActivism #SmilingFace #LGBTQRights #Activism #DailyBeast #Politics #News
#caseydesantis #antilgbtqactivism #smilingface #lgbtqrights #activism #dailybeast #politics #news
#RonDeSantis does not have the intellectual girth to even understand, analyze or evaluate the #PeakyBlinders show or story elements. He is a IvyLeaguer undereducated nitwit. Where's the $$ #Caseydesantis ? When the last 2 HO insurers go away in FL, what then?
#caseydesantis #peakyblinders #rondesantis
🥥 Am I the only one getting #LadyMacbeth meets #AnnetteFunicello vibes from #CaseyDeSantis? 🥥
#ladymacbeth #annettefunicello #caseydesantis
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Is Ron DeSantis a Robot? You Decide. #Jezebel #rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #desantisdiscovershe #caseydesantis #andrewgillum #rondesantis #donaldtrump #meninblack #desantis #sophia
#jezebel #rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #desantisdiscovershe #caseydesantis #andrewgillum #rondesantis #donaldtrump #meninblack #desantis #sophia
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: The Dumbest Photos From the 2024 Campaign Trail #Jezebel #donaldtrump2016presidentialcampaign #rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #climatechangeskepticismanddenial #politicsoftheunitedstates #floridarepublicans #vivekramaswamy #asahutchinson #caseydesantis #unitedstates #politicians #rondesantis #donaldtrump #nikkihaley #joniernst #mikepence #timscott #donlemon #desantis
#jezebel #donaldtrump2016presidentialcampaign #rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #climatechangeskepticismanddenial #politicsoftheunitedstates #floridarepublicans #vivekramaswamy #asahutchinson #caseydesantis #unitedstates #politicians #rondesantis #donaldtrump #nikkihaley #joniernst #mikepence #timscott #donlemon #desantis
#JackieO on the outside, #CruellaDeVil in the inside.
When will her mask slip?
#cruelladevil #jackieo #caseydesantis
Casey DeSantis wore a leather 'Where Woke Goes to Die' jacket in 85-degree weather in Iowa
#BusinessInsider #CaseyDeSantis #LeatherJacket #WokeGoesToDie #IowaWeather #FashionFauxPas #Politics #News
#businessinsider #caseydesantis #leatherjacket #wokegoestodie #iowaweather #fashionfauxpas #politics #news
#CaseyDeSantis fashion sense looks like the formal wear women wore in the 1950’s. The only magazine cover she should appear only on is BACK TO THE PAST. Her choice of clothing is analogus to her hubby’s draconian 1950’s policies.
I really adored #caseydesantis apt metaphor about #datenight with #ronDeSantis at the #iowacaucus : ~this is what we do, like all couples, we get dressed up and are finery go out to the local feeding trough, and try to be envied and at the head of the feeding frenzy in this latest #rome you know the things that matter…ego and envy lust! …#sigh #internalfamilysystems #theGoodKings #proLife4Trees #endqualifiedimmunity #endthefed #giveCopsRaises #fireBadCops #BustCorruptCopUnion #endPrisonProfit
#caseydesantis #datenight #rondesantis #iowacaucus #rome #sigh #internalfamilysystems #thegoodkings #prolife4trees #endqualifiedimmunity #endthefed #givecopsraises #firebadcops #bustcorruptcopunion #endprisonprofit
Suburban moms take note
Florida first lady's voice rings
With political might
#florida #politics #suburbanmoms #caseydesantis #haiku #poetry
#florida #politics #suburbanmoms #caseydesantis #haiku #poetry
And to think we thought Ron DeSantis was bad!
#votebluetolive #neverrondesantis #jackieno #caseydesantis
@DrJackBrown 🥥 Is it just me, or does anyone else think, "Lady #MacBeth" when the name of #CaseyDeSantis comes up in a news story?
You know, the fictional cold-blooded wife who was continually prodding the #ThaneOfCawdor to act brutally in #Shakespeare's #ScottishPlay?
I actually looked for signs of blood on her hands in the closeup of the #DeSantis couple in this thread. 🥥
#Macbeth #caseydesantis #thaneofcawdor #shakespeare #scottishplay #desantis
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Even Out-of-Touch Billionaires Know Ron DeSantis Sucks #Jezebel #wendy27sinternational #brooklynpeltzbeckham #nicolapeltzbeckham #floridarepublicans #ariannagrijalba #businesspeople #weddingplanner #nicolebraghin #caseydesantis #claudiapeltz #rondesantis #meatballron #nelsonpeltz #desantis #finance #wedding #money #trump #peltz
#jezebel #wendy27sinternational #brooklynpeltzbeckham #nicolapeltzbeckham #floridarepublicans #ariannagrijalba #businesspeople #weddingplanner #nicolebraghin #caseydesantis #claudiapeltz #rondesantis #meatballron #nelsonpeltz #desantis #finance #wedding #money #trump #peltz
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Casey DeSantis Is Clearly Auditioning To Be FLOTUS #Jezebel #militaryoftheunitedstates #floridarepublicans #militarypersonnel #caseydesantis #katemiddleton #jackiekennedy #michelleobama #humaninterest #melaniatrump #ivankatrump #sheathdress #rondesantis #jillbiden #desantis #politico #florida #dresses
#jezebel #militaryoftheunitedstates #floridarepublicans #militarypersonnel #caseydesantis #katemiddleton #jackiekennedy #michelleobama #humaninterest #melaniatrump #ivankatrump #sheathdress #rondesantis #jillbiden #desantis #politico #florida #dresses