"Tackling discrimination is a legal and operational imperative for the Met ... to acknowledge the extent to which racism, misogyny and homophobia are present in its organisational processes and systems" #CaseyReview #accountability @metpoliceuk
"Londoners see and rely on frontline officers the most day to day, but these officers feel demoralised and let down by their leaders." #CaseyReview #accountability @metpoliceuk
"The misconduct process is not fit for purpose. A new, independent, multi-disciplinary team of officers and staff should be brought in by the Met to reform how it deals with misconduct cases" #CaseyReview #accountability @metpoliceuk
"short term projects and campaigns have been launched from HQ without seeing them through, considering their impact or engaging the organisation in embedding enduring systemic change." #CaseyReview #accountability @metpoliceuk
"Key measures to test [Met] reforms: Increases in the proportion of misconduct cases where action is taken" #CaseyReview #accountability @metpoliceuk
"If sufficient progress is not being made ... more radical, structural options, such as dividing up the Met into national, specialist and London responsibilities, should be considered" #CaseyReview #accountability @metpoliceuk
"Female officers and staff routinely face sexism and misogyny. The Met has not protected its female employees or members of the public from police perpetrators of domestic abuse" #CaseyReview #accountability @metpoliceuk
"Worryingly, some of the worst cultures, behaviours and practices have been found in specialist firearms units, where standards and accountability should be at their absolute highest." #CaseyReview #accountability @metpoliceuk
"Sergeants and Inspectors are expected to manage very large numbers of constables and junior staff as a core feature of their work, without the time and the tools to do so." #CaseyReview #accountability @metpoliceuk
"We have found widespread #bullying, particularly of those with protected characteristics. 22% of staff and officers experienced bullying ... 33% of those with a long-standing illness, disability" #CaseyReview #accountability @metpoliceuk
#bullying #caseyreview #accountability
"A series of scandals ... and the Met’s response – playing them down, denial, obfuscation, and digging in to defend officers ... are strong indicators of fundamental problems." #CaseyReview #accountability @metpoliceuk
"Following any issue, there is a strong tendency to look for a positive spin ... They seek to put it in the past and blame individual ‘bad apples’, rather than pausing for genuine reflection" #CaseyReview #accountability @metpoliceuk
"The Met and the Mayor of London should commission independent progress reviews after two years, and again after five years, so that Londoners can have trust and confidence that reform is taking place." #CaseyReview #accountability @metpoliceuk
"Met officers are 82% White and 71% male, and the majority do not live in the city they police. As such, the Met does not look like the majority of Londoners." #CaseyReview #accountability @metpoliceuk
"Key measures to test [Met] reforms: Improvements in the charge rates for reported crimes and, in particular, improvements in charge rates for crimes involving violence against women and girls" #CaseyReview #accountability @metpoliceuk
"Key measures to test [Met] reforms: Reductions in racial disparity in misconduct cases" #CaseyReview #accountability @metpoliceuk
"The Met has yet to free itself of institutional racism. Public consent is broken. The Met has become unanchored from the Peelian principle of policing by consent set out when it was established." #CaseyReview #accountability @metpoliceuk
"There has been no central record of training, so officers may well be in roles which they are not trained for." #CaseyReview #accountability @metpoliceuk
"The Met does not easily accept criticism nor ‘own’ its failures. It does not embrace or learn from its mistakes. Instead, it starts from a position that nothing wrong has occurred." #CaseyReview #accountability @metpoliceuk
"In the absence of vigilance towards those who intend to abuse the office of constable, predatory and unacceptable behaviour has been allowed to flourish." #CaseyReview #accountability @metpoliceuk