Cash income from welfare became less effective at reducing income inequality after the 1996 welfare reform, b/c: % of income coming from cash welfare fell and was also less concentrated among the neediest families. At the same time, tax and in-kind benefits reduced inequality until the Great Recession.The redistributive effects of welfare income dropped in all states regardless of their approach to welfare policy.
#racetothebottom #welfare #cashassistance #NICHDimpact
Proponents of UBI claim the answer to inequality is taxation. Give wealthy people the money, and then take it back in tax season. But taxation hasn't solved our inequality problem, what makes them think it will if only we give wealthy people more money first? I think a cash benefit should be used to reduce inequality as well, not just taxes. The government should not give the wealthiest ~third of the population a massive loan each year.
#UBI #inequality #tax #CashAssistance
#ubi #inequality #tax #cashassistance
I'm very much in support of a guaranteed income. My vision of it is progressive monthly cash assistance: the less wealth you have, the more monthly money you get. The wealthiest ~third or so would receive zero. People of equal wealth could still get different amounts if one had more income than the other. The reason wealth is the first criteria to consider is that wealth inequality is far greater than income inequality.
#inequality #progressive #GuaranteedIncome #CashAssistance #poverty
#inequality #progressive #guaranteedincome #cashassistance #poverty