@darth @SecularJeffrey @scenario
You guise! Check out the mods the cool kids are doing these days on #CasioMods or https://www.reddit.com/r/casiomods/
As a matter of fact, I just did this red gradient screen mod to my old calculator watch last week :levelup:
I modded another Casio watch. This time with a holographic rainbow display that I think looks really cool with the pink casing and band. These things make great gifts and this one’s a gift for someone really special. I hope she likes it 💞
I came across some stuff online that all the cool kids these days are wearing modded Casio watches and thought ooh I can do that and it would be a cool gift for my brother. And then I found my old Casio calculator watch in a junk drawer and I’m a cool kid again too. The mods are just simple color gradient screens.