#January 1, 1947
#OTD #CassandraDanz, #Comedian & #Gardener, is born.
From her #Book, Mrs. #Greenthumb-s:
“A #Daffodil #Bulb will divide & redivide endlessly.
It is one of the few #Flowers you can find around abandoned #Farmhouses, still #Blooming & increasing in numbers 50 yrs after the #Farmer & his #Wife have moved to #Heaven, or the other place, #BocaRaton.
I am not advocating #Trespassing... but there is no law against having a #Shovel in the #Trunk of your car.”
@Bookstodon #Garden
#january #otd #cassandradanz #comedian #gardener #book #greenthumb #daffodil #bulb #flowers #farmhouses #Blooming #farmer #wife #heaven #bocaraton #trespassing #shovel #trunk #garden