One fun thing I did this afternoon was I taped back together the insert to my cassette of "kiss me, kiss me, kiss me" by The Cure that I got recently for $0.50
All the individual folds were that perforated type and had likely separated long before I got my hands on it.

#cassette #cassettecollector #cassettecollectorsofmastodon #thecure

Last updated 2 years ago

"The Real Thing" by Faith No More.

Both "The Real Thing" and "Angel Dust" are favorites of mine for different reasons.

"The Real Thing" in particular is probably my favorite album for use of keyboard in post New Wave rock. Roddy Bottum is definitely one of my favorite keyboard players in rock (and him being queer just makes him even cooler).

#currentlylisteningto #cassette #cassettecollectorsofmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago