I found an interesting rabbit hole while looking into Eugenics and the teachings and practice of the Catholic Church. The Casta System and Limpieza de Sangre and how they manifest in the Americas. They have quite a different meaning and application here in New Mexico, and it illustrates some of our history that I didn't expect to surface through this side exploration of Castas.
An interesting aspect I'd kind of forgotten as a people is how the colonial Government/Church left us for decades if I remember correctly and we had Penitentes or the Brotherhood of Light help to keep our villages and churches going through that time. Then it has never been super smooth with the church when the coast was clear and the Church returned.
The mix of politics and church are quite interesting from back in the day. I am hearing that the Casta System hit the scene based on the Council of Trent. I'll have to dig deeper on this for the details.
About the Casta System in New Mexico: They Pass for Spaniards, Caste in Colonial New Mexico Rob Martinez
Interesting rabbit holes!
#casta #castasystem #limpiezadesangre #eugenics