I went to my sister-in-law's son's birthday party yesterday. A slightly posh affair in a pub thirty minutes drive from #CastleCannon
All the family was there, including my daughters and my grandson. After the meal came the cake and everyone including the whole pub, sang "Happy Birthday" there was only one problem.
The birthday boy in fact was not there as he was too pissed to attend! 🤦♂️
The whole pub burst into laughter when they found out
Weather conditions are grin at #CastleCannon I might have apply for aid with the terrible devastation.
Chilling out as much as possible before the wife fills #CastleCannon with two days of tennis. #Groan 😒
Yesterday we actually had some Finches in the gardens of #CastleCannon we normally only get sparrows, starlings and bloody pigeons! I went to Pets at Home and bought some decent bird seed and a new feeder as the wife, and I was excited to attract something worthwhile finally, and the bastards never turned up this morning. #ShakesFist
@stannard I hate painting. It has to be the most mind-numbing activity in the world, although it's muggins here who has to emulsion the walls at #CastleCannon
The post for #CastleCannon has just been delivered. No letters, just this junk.
Morning all from the extensive water features in the grounds of #CastleCannon #TZAG
@steevc So when I first moved into #CastleCannon I used to be able to travel the seven miles in just under fifteen minutes. On a good day, it could be done in ten minutes. These days it takes forty minutes if not more sometimes.
@steevc I would take the train; we have a station about five minutes walk from #CastleCannon the problem is I finish at 17:30, the station is a fifteen-minute walk from work, and the damn thing is every hour at 17:20
When we first moved into #CastleCannon around 24 years ago, it was a small town that had only just stopped being a village the Tuesday before. I used to tell everyone that the worst crime around here was someone pinching a tin of spaghetti from Sainsbury's.
Yesterday we had two gangs up the town stabbing and shooting each other in broad daylight! This is the second shooting in the last twelve months.
The area has gone downhill since I moved here. 😉
I had Kippers on toast at 5 am this morning because that's how we roll at #CastleCannon
There's trouble brewing at #CastleCannon The wife and daughters have tickets for ABBA on the 13th, and the selfish bastard train drivers are on strike that day! Now I can get them coach tickets from Walsall, but it would seem my one daughter is determined to make her husband drive them down to Londinium. Personally, I'd have dumped them at Watford and let them get the Tube, although High Barnet seems to be the furthest Northern working station.
@basil Tsk, how am I going to know if Putin has lobbed a couple of nukes at #CastleCannon if I can't get an alert? So much for having 5G injected in me from the COVID jabs.
It's obviously becoming very affluent where I live. Went to visit the daughter last night, and the wife and I saw a Lamborgini Urus (I'd love one of those) and coming home a Lamborgini Huracan. There's a Ferrari down the road from #CastleCannon as well.
So I had a brief power outage at #castlecannon last night. Everything came back up except my Argon EON OMV NAS.
Was it because:
@ghostdancer It'll be our turn again next month. If our daughter had her way, it would be every week! The poor wife works nights, 12-hour shifts 3 on, 3 off. When is she supposed to get anything done at #CastleCannon if she's childminding?
Cutting the grass at #CastleCannon as her Ladyship says: "The South Lawns need mowing!"
I still have the fear I had in 2000 when I reboot my remote server after a kernel upgrade. 😟